Generius software

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by victorj, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. victorj

    victorj New Member

    Hi All,

    I know that most (if not all posters in this forum) live in the US/Canadian vicinity, and so will not have tested Generius' European software, however...

    Generius MPBJ is available at realwins or sportingbet.

    What does everyone think of the software. The tournament type is different to that of UBT, with a shootout style multi-tourney facility.

    Your views please.

    Many thanks,

  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Hi Victor

    There are 3 regular posters from the UK on this site (when not banned!) and a few other less regular ones from Europe.

    I checked that software out before and I have to say I didn't like it. I didn't explore it fully I admit but I could only find games that were 5 hands long, which minimizes the skill element significantly and they often become shoot-outs; I'm not a fan of those at all. The other major flaw that I found, and I might be missing something here, is that you don't know what your opponents have bet until after everybody has finished betting, and I again believe that this reduces the skill element and increases the luck factor.

    So not a thumbs up from me I'm afraid.


  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    I had the same experience as Reachy. This was some time ago, so things might have changed of course. (In case we aren't talking about the same thing, this was 'Multiplayer Blackjack' under the 'Games' tab at Sportingbet.)

    I opened an account with Sportingbet just to try this out. I was most disappointed. :(
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member



    It's exactly the same, I just checked. Shame really...


  5. victorj

    victorj New Member

    Thanks for that guys.

    And what's your view about the UBT software?

    Games seem a little better.
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I can't really fault the Bet21 software at all. Maybe there is the odd minor quibble but nothing major. My problem with Generius isn't to do with the software, it's the format and rules of the game. If they offered 15+ handed games and had a rotating betting/action button that allowed you to see what other people bet who acted before you then I'd be interested. What you've effectively got is a game where everybody makes a secret bet on every hand. They are almost eradicating any skill from the game.

    I love the UBT rules and format FYI!


  7. Angel

    Angel New Member

    UBT Software!

    Attached Files:

  8. victorj

    victorj New Member

    Great Reachy.

    in your opinion who are the best european mpbj players at present?

    guess its hard to find a decent game at a time suitable to us?


  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member



    Actually there are quite a few good European TBJ players about and at least one of them is considered to be in the top 5. Some would say he is the No. 1! He posts here reasonably reguarly but you are unlikely to know if you are playing him online :D !

    Online TBJ is a relatively new phenomena and it is still relatively unheard of especially this side of the Atlantic and certainly compared to poker. It is practically impossible to get a live game in Europe and certainly not in the UK. Most expert European players spend most, if not all of their time in LV I guess.



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