Get toolman playing online TBJ!!

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Reachy, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Toolman has declared that he is sitting on the fence regards playing online TBJ. He hasn't ruled it out but he's not rushing into it either. I personaly would love to be able to play against him and the only way I'm realistically going to do it is by playing him online. I can see the pros and cons as far as he is concerned and I understand his reservations and I certainly wouldn't want him to do it if he really didn't want to. But come on, it's free, you can play when you like, you can hone your skills, get experience of the elimination format if you want, and most importantly have FUN!!!!! All gain no loss as far as I can see.

    So this is a message to Mr. T. Man, don't hestate any longer, sign up and prepare for the onslaught.


  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    HUMMMMMMMMMMMM. What does Flat Eric think? :rolleyes: Not that it matters!!! :p

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