Get21 – Free seat to $1,500 Tournament + January Promotions

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by daniel.valentine, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Hi all,

    I want to thank you all for a great month full of winners.
    Both Christmas and New Years Eve tournaments
    Were a great success with plenty of players.

    :joker: Congratulations for the WINNERS!!! :joker:

    This January we are coming up with great promotions!!!
    Like every month we are working hard to create
    the promotions that will fit your needs:

    Free seat to the $1,500 Tournament:

    Starting from the 5th of January,
    Make your first deposit at and win a free seat
    to the $1,500 Guaranteed Prize Pool Tournament on February.

    January Promotions:

    • Special tournament on Jan 31st $2500 Guaranteed Prize Pool tournament.
    • Twice a week - $1000 Guaranteed Prize Pool tournament.
    • Daily $500 Guaranteed Prize Pool tournament.
    • Daily $250 Guaranteed Prize Pool tournament.
    • Twice a day: $100 Guaranteed Prize Pool tournament.
    • Six times a day: $50 Guaranteed Prize Pool tournament.
    • $10 no deposit needed for new money players
    Like always, we value your great feedbacks.
    Any question, comment, or improvement will be highly appreciated,

    See ya at the tables

    daniel @
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2007
  2. zweeky

    zweeky Member


    I enjoy playing on get21 and it's great news that the software and server is getting much better now.

    I would say that one annoying issue right now is the waiting for wildcards. Most players who play there now have realized that it gives an important advantage to know in advance the miminum chip count required to obtain a wildcard. So, the players want their table to finish last while they watch the scores on other tables. Therefore, many players always wait the full time allowed to make their bet for every round then wait the full time allowed for every hit/stand decision.

    This is a funny thing to do for a few tournaments but it becomes a bit ridiculous after a while.

    There would be many ways to eliminate this problem, I'm not sure which would be the most fun or popular, but here are different solutions:

    1- Tables would be synchronized: Hand 2 would not start until hand 1 is not finished on each and every table.

    2- There would be an extra round (with very few hands) just to determine wildcards: After Round 1, all players who finish 2nd would play an extra round. After Round 2 (Semi-Final), both players who finished 3rd in their semifinal would play an head-on extra round.

    3- Eliminate wildcards. This would mean changing the structure of the tournaments. As an example, the final table could be 4 players. The seminals would not always be 10 players.

    4- Wildcards awarded at random from all players who did not qualified (I don't like this one but maybe it's easier to do).
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    No zweeky,

    The most annoying thing is reading about all these opportunities and not being able to participate! :flame:

    Allow US players to play! :cool:
  4. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Hi Zweeky,

    Sorry for the not replying sooner, I had to check with the game room manager and our Business Developer, they both said that you have an interesting point and they have to check and see, it was also forwarded to our R&D department.
    From here it is out of my hand... :eek:

    In my personal opinion you have a point on the advantage in wild card on the last table compare to the first table, but it might be someone's strategic, basically to avoid that I think that even if you come up second you should have very high numbers of chips and then you are safe... ;)

    Thanks for the great feedback

  5. Archie

    Archie New Member

    A solution to stalling needs to be found

    Daniel, you have to find a solution to stalling. It should not have any part of strategic play in any BJT. In my last three tournaments on Get 21, I found intentional stalling extremely irritating. Many players are not playing to win their table, but to win a wild card by finishing with the second or third highest losing score and focusing on the play at the other tables instead of their own.

    Players in the chat room were constantly asking me to stall.

    No way, Jose.

    Stalling, in my opinion, is the only drawback for me on your site (great software, great EV and everything running smoothly as of today).
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    This site is certainly subject to cheats....

    I remember doing screen shots and sending them to CS about a group of Dutch players who would group play the speed rounds they have there...they would wait til there was 3 on 1 and then start chatting in Dutch to each other to hit or stand or what to bet and all was to set the one person up to be killed. This was quite effective and profitable especially if you were playing the higher stake games....

    The site claimed to have noted the play and that they would watch it....dont know how that turned out as soon after US players were banned.

    This delay game sounds just like a tactic these guys would use....

    Its a shame really...this is a good game for the most part...but they do need to monitor and reprogram to stop these cheats....

    Arch....I'll try to search my archives...I might still have the user names of guys I decided that were cheating...if I saw any of these guys playing I would just avoid that game when I played there.

    They do have a security department at this site....I would do screen shots of the chat that names the people who want to cheat and then send that shot to securty...

    They can ban the player if they want to help make the game more well design a fix to the reported issues...the tag team play was tough ...I suggested they disallow chat but that wouldnt really help determined cheats...they could simply play in a common room or use phones ...etc...

    I agree this could be a great site..more so if they opened BJ back up to USA....strange situation in itself because I can still play all the poker I want at Golden Palace...

    Figure that one out.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2007
  7. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Chat in Foreign Languages

    In every guaranteed pool tournament I played at Get21, there was a lot of chatting going on in a foreign language that felt to me like Polish (what do I know)
    In one game in particular, an English word crept in and, in retrospect, was probably adressed to me : "Stall". Curious, I switched to the Lobby, where you can see the other tables progress to the finishing line and, also, the winning or top stacks at a specific moment in time (Wild cards, it seems, are distributed to the highest second scores). My table that day finished their play second last, two of the five players at my table refusing to stall, including me, and everybody else taking all the time allowed on every decision.

  8. ak1975

    ak1975 New Member

    Chatting vs cheating

    I must say I had a similar experience, players chatting in all sorts of languages that I didn’t understand (I think it was Polish and Dutch). Now this can be quite annoying at times, but honestly when I meet Israeli players on poker we also chat in Hebrew. Form my poker experience I can say that the more ‘international’ the game room / network was, the more languages you hear.
    Still, I don’t believe that most of them are cheating but rather chatting. Also, besides telling a player to hit or stand, which is not fair-play, everything is on the table. In poker I find it much more problematic, when players collude and tell themselves what they are holding, which increases their odds far more than in a BJ game with 8 decks being reshuffled every hand.
  9. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Action Points Tournaments!!!

    I have an update for this month promotions!!!
    New Action Points Tournaments:
    • Twice a day: $10 AP free roll for 40 AP buy in; at 12.30 and 14.00 GMT
    • Every other day: $50 AP free roll for 200 AP buy in; at 23.30 GMT
    • Jan’ 27: $500 AP free roll for 2000 AP buy in; at 22.00 GMT
    • Jan’ 30: $1000 AP free roll for 4000 AP buy in; at 22.00 GMT
    About the European players, I observe our Lobby all the time and sometimes I see chatting. Frankly, I don't understand what they are typing but even if they are talking about stalling, hit, stand etc. They can't have an advantage because the cards are open.
    The fact is that I always see the same players in the winner tables at all the tournaments. That means that the good players are not effected by stalling, chatting, etc.
    I sent an E-mail about Zweeky's suggestions and we are checking to see what we can do about it. I will let you know as soon as I have an answer.

  10. Archie

    Archie New Member

    OK, but do you, Daniel Valentine, want to establish stalling as a standard tactic in your BJ tournaments. Don't you find it totally absurd that players slow down the game that way? Would you give us your frank opinion about this annoying "tactic" and if you plan to find a solution or tolerate it.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2007
  11. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Its not about chatting....Its about cheating and the sooner they take it seriously then the better they can eradicate it...

    Thing is I understand some Dutch and when 3 guys get you into a game (this site has speed rolls of 3, 5, 10 hands etc...) the 3 playing together can take the high, the low , and the push....not always ...but it is a huge barrier to overcome....

    I understand that operators wont admit a problem....would you???

    But playing as a team is cheating in my book ...just as deliberatly slowing down a game as a group is cheating as well...

    The same winners he mentioned.... could well be the cheaters....

    I noticed it because of the 3 player trap and the crazy bets that upon close inspection put up a barrier that was near impossible to overcome...thats my opinion anyway...

    After I started to catch on and I advoided certain players and groups my results were greatly improved...

    Say what you want on here sir....but I recomend you keep your eyes open for group play....

    Its not just poker that can be affected by teams of cheats....a good team can cover a wide spread of odds in tournament BJ too...
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2007
  12. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Archie and Rando,

    I will take everything you said under consideration and I always forward your posts to my supervisors and our business developers. Archie I haven't said anything about establishing stalling as a tactic and as I posted above I sent Zweeky ideas and even some of our own ideas to my supervisors.
    I am sure the R&D will work on it as soon as possible.

    Rando thanks for the warning and as I posted before we observe the games all the time and for now as far as I can see the good players we have, do not chat too much. They are actually very quite when it comes to chatting, the "bad" players are the ones who's doing all the chatting.

    But I will keep watching the game rooms and I appreciate all your feedbacks!


  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member



    Be careful making assumptions about "chatty" players. Whether I'm a "good" player or not I tend to chat quite a lot when I play and I'm certainly not wildcarding or colluding. If players want to act improperly as a team then using a chat program like Messenger is much more likely, and of course you can't "see" that.


  14. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    That being said, my experience is so far limited to a single day (playing at Golden Palace, but my understanding is that this is the same player set), and yet in that short time I managed to encounter two players colluding (and openly chatting about it in English - not the sharpest tools in the box then! :rolleyes: )

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