Get21 - New Years Eve Dec’ 31st – $10,000 Guaranteed Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by daniel.valentine, Dec 18, 2006.

  1. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    I am very excited to introduce this special event that will be held on New Years Eve:

    December 31st - The $10,000 Guaranteed Prize Pool tournament!!!

    I know that some of you were confused about it so this is how it works:

    • We have 5 daily qualify feeders with a buy-in fee of $6 +$0.60 and min. number of players of 12
    • The feeder can be found in the lobby inside scheduled tournament under special tournaments
    • For every 12 players one seat in the Grand Final will be granted (24 players = 2 seats, 36 players = 3 seats)
    • The rest of the prize pool money will be divided between the winners like a regular tournament
    • The qualify feeders will continue to run all days until the day of the tournament.
    • You can also buy a seat directly to the main event with a buy-in fee of $66+$6

    The Grand Final will be held on 31st of Dec!!!

    I recommend you all to enter the qualify feeders, since you are all well experienced players it should be easy for you to qualify.

    Guys don't miss this opportunity!!!
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2006
  2. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Great stuff, but....

    Daniel: this is exactly the type of BJT that Get21 and Golden Palace need in order to crank up player participation. Now, would it not be a great time to treat US BJT players the same as US poker players and invite them back to play BJT on your sites. It makes no sense that Golden Palace allows poker players from the US but does not allow BJT players.

    Perhaps our administrator MR KING Kenneth, who endorses Golden Palace, could lend his support to this good cause and get this done.

    I am a non US player and you can count on me to participate, but you are going to need a bigger pool of players to reach the minimum of 60.
    Anyways, I really like your BJ tournaments. Keep up the good work and try to influence Golden Palace to reverse their policy towards US BJT players.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    I certainly agree with the above...I thought your sites were a overall good format and no doubt would have been a great success.

    I certainly have thew same question though....Why can I play poker (I am a USA player) and every other casino game, but no tournament BJ?
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Rando, I hate to bring this up, but, Golden Palace closed the door to US players exactly one week after Ona started playing. Just something to think about.

  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    no one to play

    I registered for a couple of these feeders yesterday but they were both cancelled as there weren't enough players. I can't see this working until GP/Get21 allow US players to enter. Until then I think it's likely that this tournament will be cancelled.


    Last edited: Dec 19, 2006
  6. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Hi guys,

    First of all guys as far as I know US players will not join us on this tournament, as I wrote before as long as the legislation is on, as much as we want to we will not accept US players. I really apologize but there is nothing I can do about it.

    Also Reachy, this is exactly the reason why these tournaments are canceled, people see it was canceled once and won't join again. But the fact is that those feeder tournaments are running and at this point there are already 22 players in the $10,000 tournament only from feeders!

    What I suggest you should do, Register to the Tournaments an hour or so before it begins, this way other players will see it is full and will also register, you have nothing to lose since once a tournament is canceled you receive back your money. We already have 2 players who want to participate. If you guys join other players will see it and also join, but please do it ahead of time so other players will see. We only need 12 players for each feeder.

    We really working hard on this tournament and I appreciate your support!
    I also appreciate those feedbacks, please continue!!!

    Thank you all

  7. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Thanks for talking to us,but....

    Thanks Daniel for your response. We understand that you represent Get21 and not Golden Palace. However, is it not possible for Golden Palace to at least give us some insight as to why they allow Poker players to play on their site but not BJT players? Can you pass this request on to them? Golden Palace currently has a unique opportunity to create tremendous goodwill towards US players. That would be great for business, right?:band:
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member



    Thank you for your response. I did think twice before posting my original message for the very reasons you stated but decided that on balance it would be best to discuss it in an open forum, to get a range of opinions and hopefully help you improve your offering. For the record I support you and anybody who helps me participate in my passion of TBJ. However I believe you've got your business strategy all wrong. Now I'm no marketing expert but it seems to me rather foolish to design and deliver a product that is widely sought after, to advertise it widely, offer a range of attractive promotions, and then refuse to supply it to by far your largest market. It defies sense.

    I'm one of the few people who can actually play your games and I'd love to do so. I can't though because whenever I log on and register there is no one to play. I do register at least 1 hour in advance, again for the reasons you stated but still no joy. Here's a suggestion, why not run the qualifiers as S&G's? When enough players turn up start the game.

    Ultimate Bet are happy to take the money of US citizens, why aren't you. Yes, yes, I know, the new legislation, but again I ask, why will UB take the money and not you?

    On a final note I don't know what the largely US following of this forum think about you posting about all the money you are giving away at get21 to everybody apart from them. I think I'd be a little p*ssed off if I was them but then again that sort of thing does wind me up.


  9. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Golden Palace

    posted when they banned US players that their blackjack software provider would not let them use the software for US players - maybe paranoid that the software vendor could be held liable/ - they have also sent out emails (I got one) that they are working on new software and would then allow US players for tournament bj
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Get21/GP crossover

    Just so you know, I played a feeder yesterday :celebrate , 15 players turned up. Didn't win but got in the money so that's OK.

    I realise that Get21 don't have a poker room but GP do, and they use the same software. Why will the vendor of GP's software let them use the software for poker players in the US but not BJ players? I know that Daniel can't answer this question but I just putting it out there.


  11. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    my understanding from their posts was that the bj software was from a different vendor -
  12. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Different Vendors

    Yes Reachy the Poker and the Blackjack are by different vendors, the blackjack is our own proprietary software made by our sister company. BTW in the future we are planning to add Poker as well.
  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Poker in the US

    Thanks Daniel

    Will US players be able to play poker online with you?

    I hope I'm not sounding too negative in my posts. I'm not trying to put you or your company down, in fact I wish you great success!!!


    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006
  14. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Now you are talking!

    Bring on the poker players to your site and then move them over to Blackjack. I am on a fresh fish diet and need all the poker players you can convert to BJT.:celebrate

    Seriously, hopefully 2007 will bring US poker and BJT players to both Get21 and Golden Palace.
    Happy Holidays!
  15. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    LOL :laugh:

    I also started as a Poker player, but since I played BJT one time, I was hooked. But as for the question Reachy, if the situation stays as it is, our policy regarding US players will not change. But as I wrote before its only future plans and for now there is no date when the Poker will be launched.

    But keep on the positive attitude guys; we had big improvements in our cage the last few days and I think a lot of players also read our thread. We also added up some cool banners, take a look, a whole new lobby :)
    I really appreciate your interest and comments and wish you all good luck this weekend!!!


  16. Overjoe

    Overjoe New Member

    golden palace blackjack

    I was having a blast at golden palace blackjack....Placing in blackjack freerolls and doing sit and go blackjack....I was so pissed when they kicked out the us it seems that there aren't many people there. I will be so glad if they get new software and accept the us players. The software really sucked anyway,..that was the worst part of the site.

    I think the person that developed the software was a poor programmer...
    It kept locking up and i would have to log on about 20 times a day to just pla
  17. ak1975

    ak1975 New Member

    I'm playing Get21 but I guess it's the same. I personally think their software is really great. Yes, it still has bugs and that is sometimes quite annoying, but I'm actually quite surprised on their development progress. From the fun and excitement factor of the game, especially the quick games (I love the $5 and $10 tables) and the guaranteed prize pool tourneys I can't remember the last time I was so hocked on a game.
    The thing with the US players is a bummer though; there would be more action no doubt. But after all the arrests in the US I somehow can understand them. It also shows some respect for the law (even such a garbage law) which in my view makes a company more legit.
  18. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Get21...Great site!

    I loaded the site two days ago.The software is well conceived and runs smoothly so far. The quality is in the details. A great choice of different games and tournaments (guaranteed pool) with high EV.

    On my first try I won the 500 guaranteed ($200 first prize for a $6 +.60 investment). To win, I had to dd on soft 17 against the dealer's face card (push no good). Got a 4 for 21. Looks like Daniel Valentine told the dealer to go easy on the newcomers!!!

    The exclusion of US players bothers me too (I'm Canadian).
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  19. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Way to go Archie! Get over there and make some bank!
  20. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Good luck Archie....

    I like this game very much...hopefully you can get enough players for a game....

    had they not chickened out this would have easily become the # 1 site for BJ tournaments bar none...the software while having a few bugs is well thought out and the games are great asa well as the promos...

    A word of advice...start withdrawing some amount of money now because they have a annoying certification process that for the first withdrawl you have to send everything but your first born and then wait a long time for their (security department??) to check if you are 18 I was they didnt check when i deposited...but anyway ...once you get your initial withdrawl to your account then there are just the normal few days lag that all sites are famous for....again why the instant deposit but the days long withdrawl ???LOL I think we all know that answer...

    But all in all its a great game....maybe Im gonna have to immigrate to think they will accept me??? Maybe if I buy a summer

    Anyway good luck Arch...I will clean house no doubt...

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