Get21 up and running but...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Reachy, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    It appears to be a skin for the Golden Palace game! Same player pool I guess? It wouldn't let me use my Golden Palace ID because it said it was already in use.



    Additional Information added at Edit: get21 and Golden Palace do appear to share the same player pool.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2006
  2. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Get21 - Multiplayer Blackjack Tournament application

    :) Hi Reachy,

    This is Daniel from Thank you for visiting our web site and downloading our software.
    Just to make a small clarification, Get21 and GoldenPalace are business partners in terms of liquidity only. stands and operates by itself.
    A player who downloaded Multiplayer Blackjack Tournament application from Get21 should open his personal account and share the excitement of this game with other players.

    Looking forward to see you at the tables,
    Daniel Valentine.
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Please clarify further Daniel.

    As a red/white/blue UB player I know that and (The original) are just skins. The player pool is the same and I can use my id and money on both.

    I have an account with Golden. You mean I have to open a separate id and account with too? :confused:

    Do you guys share player pools also - come on spit out all the details or we will just find them and put there here for the world to see ourselves.
  4. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Hi FGK42,

    Get21 Multiplayer Blackjack application was developed in the past two years by Zone4Play. Please check out the following PR by Zone4Play:

    To answer your question Get21 and Golden Palace share a network of Multiplayer Blackjack tournaments. If you download the application from, you need to create an account at Get21 (Even if you have an account with Golden Palace).
    GP and Get21 are not sharing players accounts, data etc.

    I hope that I managed to clarify this matter to you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2006
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Thank you for your responses Daniel. Can I ask what benefit there is to deposit at both and since they both host exactly the same tournaments? I can't see what the added value is but then again the elevator doesn't always go to the top floor with me :)


  6. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Hi Reachy,

    Thank you for showing an interest in Get21. From your questions it seems that you know your way around. Since Get21 and GP have lots in common but yet the business is separated a member can enjoy both worlds of tournaments. Get21 and GP will have different promotion plans, bonuses and other benefits to players.
    We welcome you to join our Blackjack community.

    Hope to see you at the tables,
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Thank you Daniel. Of course the new law in the US in respect of online gambling probably prohibits you from openly promoting your specific promotions here but you can PM me with that information if you wish.


  8. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Hi again Reachy,

    Thanks for your reply. I will post here any new information regarding our promotion plans coming up.
    Just to clarify the gaming law issue you mentioned, please note that laws regarding gaming vary throughout the world and you as a player acknowledge that it is your responsibility to ensure that you understand and fully comply with any laws or regulations applicable in your own country or state.

    All the best,
  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    As a UK citizen I am not directly affect by the new US law pertaining to online gambling. Indirectly it effects me enormously by reducing the player pool dramatically and possibly putting many operations out of business altogether. Although Ken is still promoting online casinos here I think that within the next 6-8 months that will change (am I right?) Therefore I guess that it will also be illegal to promote specific casinos and promotions within threads, not so much for those starting the threads but for Ken who owns this site. I'm speculating here so maybe somebody can bring me up to speed.


  10. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Hi Reachy,

    I don’t have any answers to you at this stage and I am quite sure that nobody knows what it going to happen in the entire industry in the near future.
    I am still inviting you to log in to and enjoy our tournaments.
    From what I heard, November is going to be very hot at

    See you there,
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2006

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