Getting calls, now just sign off...

Discussion in 'Ideas to Promote or Improve Tournaments' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well I'm getting interst from several casinos (guess the economy has a lot to do with it). But I am also contacting the airlines to try and get discounts for the players. The TBJPA has a standing 5% discount with American and I am hoping to get more, but even if I don't I'll work out something to help th eout of town players, like giving an additional $20 off their entry fee if they fly American to the tournament.

    I'll also work on getting hotel and food discounts for all the players. I'm also working on additional discounts for those tournament players that give side action to the casino.

    If possible I will try and offer a day of satellite events the day before each tournament for those willing to come in a day earlier.

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