Global Freeroll

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by AceDonovan, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Looks like it's rescheduled for Tuesday and you can register for it now.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Thanks Ace,

    For all you procrastinators there are 118 spots left. First come first serve. Hear that Barney? :laugh:
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    im in IM IN!


    Let Pomi know things will go much better next time, thats my prediction!

  4. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Server problems at G/P

    It appears that the chat servers could only handle 50 people, 3 of which were G/P staff. Ooops ! Somebody forgot to tell the techies that 125 people had signed up and over 50 tried to enter the chat lobby, which caused the crash. The fix is in and Sunday will tell the tale.:joker: :joker: :joker:
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So what you're saying is that if people didn't log into the chat as much as they did yesterday it wouldn't have crashed!

    I'll remember that this Sunday, play in silence and turn the CD player on - just to be sure.

    Heck I know, I'll play old rebroadcasts of the BJ program! Any suggestions?
  6. micha

    micha New Member

    Actually, no, the chat restriction was another problem. And it also wasn't the number of players, we've already had larger freerolls, but we've had a hardware failure that propagated itself so in the end everything was blocked. Both the chat and the hardware are ok now and ready for the $6,000 tournament.
  7. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    G/P MIcha

    Micha : make sure to give Pumi an extra bottle of rum for his efforts during the crash. I don't know how you guys would survive without his cool handling of a difficult situtation.:joker: :joker: :joker:
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'll 2nd that!

    I am thankful for Global-Player and really likethe fact that they were the first true elimination style BJ format on the internet, but without Pumi Global-Player would have lost lots of players due to servers crashing, and otehr computor errors.

    Pumi is the biggest reason most of the players keep coming back to play and for sure he is the reason I promote Global-Player, I know with Pumi in charge that any player I send to Global-Player will be treated fairly.
  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Glad to here that the problem is resolved

    Can't wait until Sunday!

    See you all then.


  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here you go

    The Hollywood Dave / Paul "Assassin" June 15 th is a pretty entertaining show to listen to while playing at Global on Sunday.

    Mike Castellano/Bradley Peterson March 16th is another good show

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2006
  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Round 2?

    Sounds like a lot of bad blood between the two of them. Any likely to be spilled in the future?


  12. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I like Paul Haas

    I wasnt that hot on his show, but I think he has potential. I think he is marketable. I think his win in that first TV game has opened the doors to a potential front stage presence in the blackjack world. And trust me, his win wasnt all luck. I think he has a brain to boot. Drive this guy and he will become a top player. Thats all he needs is a push.



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