Global-Player 1 on 1 tournaments

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TXtourplayer, Oct 16, 2006.


Which way's would you prefer the 1 on 1 tournaments run?

  1. Number of hand should be 10 or 12 only.

  2. Number of hands should be 14 or 16.

  3. I like the re-buy, lets leave it the way it is.

  4. I would perfer the double elimination format, plus no re-buy fee.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I was just contacted by Micha @ Global-Player about my resent post on their 1 on 1 events. He agrees that the number of hands should be changed to an even amount so that player one doesn't have to bet first on hand one and first on the last hand.

    Now my question is how many hands should be played? I put up a poll so the players can decide.

    Also do to like the re-buy into the first round or would you perfer double elimination format? Re-buys are only for getting back in the first round. Double elimination would give you a second chance in any round you may lose in. I will put this option up in a poll also.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    One draw back

    The one problem with the double elimination format is that once play begins, no other players will be allowed in the tournament.

    I know on most of Global-Players tournaments they have several players who come in after the event has started and just play once or twice in the re-buy rounds.
  3. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Too many tables, too many rounds

    8 rounds is way too many -- the tournament takes too long.

    I think it should be 64 players max. With single elimination that would take 6 rounds. I'm not familiar with a double elimination format. I would prefer that to rebuys.

    TX how many rounds would 64 players in double elimination be?

  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Depends on how they have their program set up

    In a double elimination format for 64 players there are 7 to 8 rounds in the winners bracket and 8 rounds in the losers bracket. Less than 64 players will result in first round bye, for certain players, based on ramdom draw, this will be in round one of both the winners and losers brackets.

    Now if they have the program set up where the winners and losers are playing at the same time it would cut down on the amount of time the tournament takes to be played. Another way to shorten the time it takes to play is lower the tournaments to only 10 hands, after all most times it comes down to the final hand anyway.

    Nice thing about double elimination format is that should you make it to the later rounds and lose, you'll just go to the losers bracket and keep playing until you lose a second time.

    The amount of time for each match will be based on the players in each match, some go fast, some go slow, each match will be different.

    I also see from the post that more players are voting for more hands, why on a one on one event?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    I always thought that 15 hands was way to short.If you suggest to Global to have their tournaments deal only 10 hands, why don't we just roll dice to see who wins.

    Head to head matches take no time at all to play so the amount of hands are not the problem

    This is where poker and blackjack tournaments are similar the more time the players are given to play the more the skilled players will appear in the winners circle

    Smaller blinds and more time per level, and more hands is the common goal in both style tournaments

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2006
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What I would like to see is....

    The world is not coming to an end, but yes I do agree with Joep...LOL.

    If I was able to convince Micha to make some changes I would like to see:

    1. First I would want to lower the maximum bet down to $200. I have always hated the $500 (or higher) maximum limits, which is why I changed them in my cruise tournaments. Having lower maximum limits make it a more strategic game and eliminations more of the luck factor. And yes, I am all for that.

    2. I would also prefer that the one on one matches play 20 hands. Really longer, but I understand for business why they need to be shorter.
  7. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Joep you are right on the money with that statement in poker the smaller daily tourneys have 15 minute levels, these are just who drew the lucky seat, in other words a coin flip just not enough time between level increases to play poker, while skill comes into play with longer levels, levels of 60 minutes or longer are the best tourneys. That is why the higher the entry fee the longer the level. Short levels have two purposes one get the tourney over with as soon as possible and let the tourist have cheap tourneys that they have a shot at making the final table in. The one thing that kills most internet poker players is that they are used to 10-15 levels and when they get to 60 minute levels they do not have the experience or patience for lengthly play.
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Why I like ubt/bet21

    One of the things I like about UBT/Bet21 is the potential to play 30 hands. Of course it rarely gets that far when playing the S&G's at playubt but it often gets to 25 or 30 when people are playing "properly" when something is at stake.


  9. micha

    micha New Member

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I count 12 to 13 rounds when the W and L bracket are played simultaneously, so this is considerably more than a single elimination format (which is should be because the number of matches must be higher, allowing each player to lose twice). It takes 9 to 10 rounds for 16 players (
  10. micha

    micha New Member

    We've got no problem with either, you only have to get some agreement on this among the players, as usual :)
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    How About This


    If you were to limit the tournament to 64 players and allow 1 re-buy only per player with a 20 entry fee and a 10 re-buy which will increase the prize pool 25 %, you could have a prize pool as large as 1600. With a 40 entry fee with 20 re-buy would create a 3,200 prize pool

    The first round will be 32 tables creating 32 winners/32 losers
    (20 minutes)

    The re-buy round can have up to 16 tables which will produce up to 16 additional winners (15 Minutes)

    Making round 2 start with 48 players @ 24 tables producing 24 winners (20 Minutes)

    Round 3 starts with 24 players @ 12 tables producing 12 winners (15 Minutes)

    Round 4 could be 4 tables of 3 with 1 winner out of 3 players advancing to the finals
    Creating a Final table of 4.
    If you would like you could have
    a wild card from the non advancers from round 4 to complete the table to 5 (20 Minutes)

    This could all be done in 90 minutes on a good day

    For those who have never played heads up, the matches go quick without any Internet delays

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2006
  12. sirklas

    sirklas Member

    Rounds are okay - time frame to unflexible

    I don`t agree with Rick in that point to shorten the rounds! I have the similar opinion that Joep has. I think the 15 rounds are just enough for a Global Heads up Tournament, because it`s the typical Global Heads Up Format, which is also in played in the One on One`s. People know that format for the time, since One on One`s were introduced to Global.

    I agree with Rick, that rounds sometimes last too long at the Global Tournaments. Perhaps you should shorten the time for decinding one`s bet and only let people think longer in the last hand. You could also work like UBT does, introduce "pre-selction" buttons to Global, what, when you ask me, really makes sence! If one doesn`t bet, sit him out and let him bet minimum automatically, like UBT does. That really makes sence and will shorten the time frame!

    Concerning the time-frame in generell, it is to long and too unflexible at Global. How often the rounds are over, but all have to wait in the chat, because the new round don`t starts? That is only because there is one tight time frames, which are sheduled by global. Be more flexible with that! Open the new round before wainting 10 or 20 minutes. That also will save time!

    Bye for now, cu all in the next tournaments,

    Your Sirklas ;)
  13. micha

    micha New Member

    That's an interesting idea - the tournament could run head to head until the number of players drops down to 25 or less, then play at 5er tables the semi-final and final. That would shorten the time and make it more competitive, would everyone like it?

    I'd like to stick with the first round with unlimited rebuys, time allowing, because it really gives a chance to players who come late and is not really longer than a separate rebuy round, I'd actually say the opposite.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2006
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    For all 13 to 14 rounds...

    Yes Micha, you are correct about more rounds, but it would actually be 13 to 14 rounds total.

    I did make a mistake on the losers bracket, it would be 10 rounds instead of 8, (I was counting a 16 man bracket and forgot to add the extra rounds.

    I have double elimination brackets complete with the numbers where the losing player will go to in the losers bracket. I would be more than glad to send you a copy.
    Just send me an e-mail if you would like a copy for a future tournament.

    The hardest part of a double elimination bracket is the losers side. Most forget to add the inbetween rounds for the new losers a slot to play. Also there is a format for where the players go when they go to the losers side to avoid possible repete matches, at least until the later rounds.

    The only problems I can foresee is:

    1. Not having 64 players. In this case there are two options.

    A) Limit the 1 on 1 tournaments to the first 32 players to sign up.

    B) First round byes would be give out in both the winners and losers brackets by ramdon draw.

    2. The time involved in this format. As much as I like more hands played, you would have to cut the number of hands played to about 10 or 12 or it would take to long to complete.

    What all the players need to stop and think about is the time required to play in these tournaments. Just because you have the time doesn't mean that the other players do.

    As far as delays between rounds, I think if Global put up some special $5 one on one matches during the main one on one tournament that might help eliminate the problems that the some of the winners are having with waiting for the next round.

    Here is one other suggestion, why not offer a GLOBAL-PLAYER GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT? Invite the winners of every weekly tournament to participate in a year end championship event with a large cash prize.

    This would be great marketing for Global, it should draw additional players in for their weekly tournaments as well.

    Just a helpful suggestions.

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