Global-Player 24/7 tournaments

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by rookie789, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Joep, these 24/7 "Sit and Go" tournaments look like a success, my hats off to you for putting it all together (sorry but it's black and looks just like Ricks". What a great way for Non Pros with a small investment to play, observe, learn and maybe make a buck. I hope your $2,000,000 tournament plans work out as well.
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    $2,900 in bonus money

    As of 3 P.M. Pacific time today April 26 has given away over 2.900 in bonus money in these Sit & Go Tournaments.My hat is off to Global Player for this, you are one hell of a organization.Finally someone treating Tournament players like human's and not like Public Enemy #1 .Bonus money will only remain for a short time come on over.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good Job

    Global-Player is the only place I'll play. If there is a problem they take care of it fast and always in a fair way.

    The current promotional $20 bonuses for 3rd place in the new Sit & Go tournaments is a perfect example of how Global is working at get our business. Plus they offer monthly bonuses and weekly tournaments as well.

    Thank you Global-Player for all your hard work and for being the first to offer real elmination style blackjack tournaments for the players.
  4. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member


    I was just saying the other day that sit and go tourneys would be great for blackjack just like they are for poker, and leave it to Joe to steal my idea :D just kidding, thanks alot, now I can play in tourneys more than once a month.
  5. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    Since this thread started GP has changed the structure of Sit and Go. Now there are two levels of play $16 and $55. Also the bonus for third has gone away, so it is more challenging to get into the money.

    GP has also added a leaderboard. I am confused on how they come up with the rankings. Maybe someone can explain how it works. They also show results of last 100 tables played. This is interesting. You can see what times are the busiest and who is playing at those times.

    One thing that would still be nice to add is some feature to see how many people are waiting at a table before joining. You can visit a table that is playing which is nice, but if there is a partial table waiting to play you can't see that without going to chat or taking a chance and joining and taking the risk that you might wait for 20 minutes before you can exit out. Not everyone in chat is playing sit and go, and also not everyone playing sit and go is in chat, so that is no guarantee that there is a table about to fill up to start.
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, providing the information about how many are currently waiting at a table on the screen where you choose either $50/5 or $16/1 tables would be a great addition. I know it's been suggested to GP already.

    As for the rankings, what you see is the average finish position. For example, if I play twice and finish 1st and 4th, my ranking is (1+4)/2 or 2.5. A player with a ranking of 1.0 has won first place at every table they have played. (The number of times they've played is shown as well.) Pretty cool concept.

    Here's the leaderboard:
  7. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Players waiting for a table

    One of Global's hosts stated in chat yesterday they didn't want to provide information about open seats at sit and go tables because they felt nobody would want to be the first to sit at a table. Although it would be nice if the players could see available seats, from Globals business standpoint I think their decision is correct although inconvenient for the players. For what they've done I'm willing to wait 20 minutes to help this become a success for Global and the players. We can continue to use chat to say " 2 more players needed at table 44 ". If I had a suggestion for a change it would involve the current pay out schedule, at a 15+1 table the NET win for 2nd is $4 (16 vs 20) while the NET win for 1st is $39 (16 vs 55), you have to win 9.75 2nds to equal one 1st place win which seems really top heavy, it might as well be winner takes all ($75). I have played the horse races for many years and would never bet $16 on a horse in a 5 horse race to place (2nd) to win $20 for a net $4 win. My fear is we are going to lose a number of players after the newness wears off under the current structure. My suggestion would be $45, $20 and $10.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2005
  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    I agree

    I second Rookie789's suggestion about payouts for the $16 table. We don't want to discourage new players from using this as an opportunity to learn.

    Now that we have the leaderboard it helps to see when the most popular times are to be online. Obviously there are no morning people here.

  9. micha

    micha New Member

    Good for practice

    We can change the payouts, no problem, but please consider this first: the win difference between 1st and 2nd is $35, but the difference between 2nd and 3rd is $20, so there is a strong incentive to end up at least 2nd, just like in a big tournament's table where top two advance. If most of you play the Sit&Go's as an exercise for big tournaments, we'd better leave the payouts as they are or perhaps change to $50-$25.
  10. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    My opinion

    I would like to see the 15/1 tournament pay 50/25, and still nothing for third. Paying anything for third dilutes the prizes too much, though the $20 bonus was sure nice while it lasted. ;)

    On the $50 event, you're probably aware that many players have talked about the vig being too much. How about a 50/3 and add a 100/5?

    After further thought, I understand the reluctance to display how many are waiting at the tables. The one occurrence that would be nice to handle is when there's a table of 4 waiting at one of the choices, but I choose the other size not knowing it.

    Here's one idea, that may or may not appeal... What if you show the number waiting at a table only if it is 3 or 4 players. So, when you look at a table, you could tell if it is almost full, but otherwise it could be empty or have as many as two participants already waiting? Is there any value in that approach?

    I have a feeling that over time this issue will go away anyway. As we continue to build a player base, I think the events will basically become available constantly. Certainly the Party Poker tournaments don't need this feature. The challenge there is being physically fast enough to choose your seat and pay the entry fee before the table fills up without you. We could see the same thing happen at GP if we all spread the word.

    Sit and Go tournaments, best thing since sliced bread!
  11. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Changes made to GP

    GP made a couple of changes this afternoon to sit and go. On the $16 tables they number of hands played is now 15 instead of 20. Also Ken's suggestion of $50/$25 was implemented.

    So far everyone seems in favor with the changes. With the number of hands reduced, tables turn faster and you don't sit as long waiting for a table to finish to get players for a new table.

    Submit your feedback in the chatroom. GP does listen and are great about making this player friendly!
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2005
  12. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Sit and Go Format

    I enjoy playing the $16 format better than the $55. I would like to see the $55 tables played the same as the $16, and just increase the payouts. By the way where is the $5 button?
  13. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Break out the cheese!

    For the weekly Wednesday Tournaments, can we get some consistency out of Global? The wildcards have been eliminated from the semis, and only the semi players are eligible for the final table wild card. Last week there were 3 each at the 4 semifinal tables. If there's a problem with drawing a wild card to the final table, then have 5 semi tables and fill the open seats with wild cards. By the way the Sit and Gos are a great idea, who came up with the idea: Joe, Rick, or David?
  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    No $5 button

    In the 16/1 SnGs, there is no $5 betting button. To bet $15 first bet $25, and then subtract $10 from the bet by choosing the $10 chip and right-clicking.
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not me

    The Sit & Go tournaments where not my idea instgator.
  16. locutus

    locutus New Member

    A suggestion...

    Why not allow players to participate in more than one
    tourney at the same time?

    it is possible in poker sit-and-go so why not here?
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    You can

    You can play in more then one Sit & Go at the same time. You just cant play in the same value Sit & Go.

    You can play three at one time, $15/1, $30/2, and $50/5 all at the same time if you wish to. What you can not do is play two $15/1 tournaments at the same time.

    This gives more players a chance to play without waiting.
  18. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Global Player

    Does anyone know what is going on with GP tonight? There is no one in the chat, there is no other table to visit, I have been logged on to the $15 for about 20 minutes & have seen no other person sign in. Any help?
  19. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    GP Tonite

    Guess you were too early, we played untill 12 PM PST tonight.
  20. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Sit and go times

    If you check the leaderboard for sit & go you can see when the last several games were played. It appears that there is a gap between 7 and 10 pm eastern, then it gets active till midnight. I think there must be a lot of west coast activity, but not much activity in the evenings from the east coast group. There is hardly any activity before noon on any day.

    A new feature that has been added:

    When you select the table you want to play at, it takes you to a pop up screen asking if you are willing to pay the fee to play. That screen now shows how many people are already waiting. If it doesn't mention anything about people waiting, then you will be the first person at the table.

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