Global-Player getting even BETTER!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TXtourplayer, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I heard that Global-Player has made some GREAT changes in their tournament format.

    1. Now when the dealer has a 10 value card up and they have a BJ, they flip it up at once. No more playing out the hand only to find out afterwards they have a BJ.

    2. They now allow DD and insurance for less.

    I haven't played yet so I am not sure how you make the bets for less, but I was told tonight that the changes were made on Wed. (this week).

    I am hoping they will be used for the cruise tournament this Sunday. :D

    Thanks Global-Player for listening to what the players want and even more so for changing for the players.
    This is what will keep you as the top site for tournament players.
  2. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Global Player

    What happened to surrender for less, LOL.
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Still LQQking

    Actually I played today and did not see the DD for less or the Insurance for less .If it was your case bet( All In ) then that was allowed but that has always been the case.But the BJ early flip is in and it sure helps speed up the game .

    Thank You Pumi :)
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Hate to heard that!

    I was told the DD & insurance for less was added, I hope it really was. I hope they weren't talking about the all in for less. :mad:
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    E-mail from Global-Player!

    Here is a copy of an e-mail I received tonight from Global-Player.

    Hey Rick,

    Also, I wanted to inform you, that we made a few updates to the tournament software, these are valid in all our tournaments, including the Cruise Tournament tomorrow:

    1) With a 10 as upcard, Dealer peeks now if he has a BJ. If he has a BJ, the hand is over. Saves a little time...

    2) Insurance for less is available now

    3) I think this one has been already online for a while: If a player does not confirm his bet by clicking on "Deal", the server takes the amount of chips in the box as his bet and does not switch back to $10

    Thanks for supporting us and I'll see you tomorrow at the tournament

    Have a good night,

    So the DD for less is still only for "All in", but we are getting there.
  6. Pumi

    Pumi New Member

    Hi everyone,

    both, DD and insurance for less, just use the remaining funds available, you cannot specify the amount (although this feature might come some day). Sorry to raise expectations...

    See you in a few hours,
  7. noman

    noman Top Member


    Now, Pumi and his group, should patent their operation and procedures. But wait! What they are doing is illegal in the U.S. Just shows to Goya, it's always something.

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