Global Player have a $6000 Tourney and $1100 freeroll...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Reachy, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    ... and they haven't posted anything on here yet!!! :yikes: Come on guys, if you want people other than your regulars to play get advertising.

    Freeroll everybody!!!!!!:celebrate

    $6000 Tourney :band2:

    You SHOULD be making a song and dance about it!!!!!


    Reachy - VP Marketing & PR (non-executive)

    Ps. Just in case you are wondering (and in case GP get upset!:) ) I just made that job title up, I don't work for GP!
  2. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    More Info Please


    Are you also keeping secrets? What are the dates and times?
  3. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Pumi told us about July specials

    A couple of weeks ago Pumi told everyone Global-Player was going to host some special tournaments, he just didn't go into details.

    Now we know, a $1,100 freeroll on the 20th and a $6,000 ($40 entry fee) tournament on the 23rd of this month.

    Thanks Global!
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    You're right TX...

    ...and I'd just like to say thanks to Global as well. I just reviewed my intitial post which I wrote just after I'd seen the promotions and when I was still a little excited. It was meant to be a positive post but it may not come across that way. Sorry to Global if that's the impression it gives.

    I am very, very pleased that they are running these 2 promotions and I want as many people as possible to know about them so that Global can achieve it's goal of expanding it's number of regular players. And that's not an altruistic goal - I want to be able to get a game whenever I log on so increasing player numbers is in my interest as well.

    And once again, thanks Global for these 2 tourneys. Much appreciated!!


  6. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Way to go, Global-Player !!!!!

    Wow, talk about doing a nice thing for the players. A completely "open" tournament with all entry fees returned to the players. A real class act.:) :) :)
  7. mikey754

    mikey754 New Member

    Global Player-FREE Tournament

    Thursday July 20th. Go to up and play in a "live" multi-table tournament. This site will give you the best tournament experience you can get on line. No charge to enter. Fast, well run and it will not cost you a cent. Most players are on this site and will give you very good competition.
  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    <<Most players are on this site and will give you very good competition.

    Mike, I read pretty often how you can go to Global and play against the best. People like Joep and Ken for example have stated they play there. You know Ken has a computer program that breaks the play scenarios down to less than 1%. Forget the computer these guys are so seasoned they can cover highs and lows with a blink of an eye. Im curious as to why so many see competing against them as such a big plus? Isnt it like a little league hitter going against a college thrower? Sure its great experience, but to plop the 40 + 20 down to play with a pro isnt a plus, its a big hurdle! The site might give 100% back to players, but what has your probability of winning decreased by playing top tier players?

  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I can see your point Barney but...

    ...what better way to learn and improve your game than playing with/against the best. I know you are a mac user and can't ufortunately access GP but if you could it's worth going there for the chat alone. I have been playing games against Joep, BigTex et al and when I've asked them why they made a particular play they told me!!! It's a massive learning experience. And although I'm obviously a massive dog to those guys, I've played 3 multi-tables on GP so far and have made the final table once. The 2nd time I played I got knocked out in the semis but placed high enough to get my entry free back. I'm showing a profit so far and a 0.6 rating (for those who've read the thread about record keeping in the newbie section!)

    If you wanted to play better chess or basketball or football (English variety ;P !) would you play with novices or grandmasters! I know who I'd choose.


  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Play against those that are better

    I agree with Reachy 100%. One cannot improve one's game much by playing against those that are equal to or below one's skill level.

    I learned to play chess to college. After I got the basic skills down, I always sought to play against the best players there. I learned a lot of moves that to this day haven't seen many people make. Sure you will not win as much as compared to playing against someone with lesser skills, but the education can't be beat.

    I personally do not play online. It just doesn't interest me. But if I did, give me the better player anytime!
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I would participate if my computer was compatible in a second. I of course could purchase a PC or winmac program to play there, which would cost me from 250$ for the questionable compatibility program to a couple grand for a good PC. (BTW I have sworn never to buy an IBM PC again but we will see) So Im not saying it isnt a good idea to play against the best, I did so with some in a real game before, and BTW none of them answered my strategy question here! But, for those complaining about paying a 10% house rate and then jumping up and down about playing against the best in he world is a little confusing to me. I can only say that playing free games at you can tell when one of the top dawgs are there. The Machine was able to cover every corner and made most every big play win kinda like a good card counter. So, if you are firing money at the pros expect to pay the price. Can you learn from it? Maybe if there is a play log to study. Otherwise you are fresh meat. The players edge is so great you will need more luck. Maybe offline work on doing addition and subtraction to determine the highs and lows is a better tool and cost less too!


  12. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Global-Player and the "Pros"

    I strongly disagree that playing against skilled players like Ken and JP results in a 10% edge against you. Take a good look at the old leaderboards for Wednesdays' tournaments and you will find that winners are wildly distributed and not consolidated amongst a few players. Remember also that these tournaments return all entry fees plus bonuses for finishing 2nd and 3rd in the semis. This means positive equity for the players. Compare that to a 10% participation fee at other sites. Impossible to overcome that, in my opinion.
    Luck is very random in BJ tournaments of 15 hands or less. I have played G-P for well over a year and find that generally play has improved greatly thanks to the participation of skilled players and their advice to other players.
    Great way to learn BJ tournament play in a very player-friendly environment.:cool: :cool: :cool:
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Ill try to find the leader board. It would be interesting to follow the winners. Question is, do players use aliases or real names? You are correct about the 10% rate being almost impossible to make money against. I dont know my actual stats in the free games, but Im sure my place rate is way above 50% maybe near 75%. VP Points nearing 250, but cash started at 1000 is now in 300s after a lot of games and I mean a lot.

  14. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    How can you tell when one of the top dawgs is around at the free games at Just interested in what marks them out? Is it their betting strategy? When I play there I try my best to play as I would in real-money game and it's interesting to see how I fair against these "big from the off" bettors. My record pretty good.

    As for being fresh meat to the pro's at Global, well I'm not so sure :D . It's not like you play the top players all the time either. Most players are like you or I. I think I must being doing all right because my GP BR stands at 11X my initial investment at the moment. Probably lose it all now I've said that but I'm happy. For me it's a hobby and unless they start staging tourneys in the UK that's all it'll ever be.


  15. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I think I have only run into you at blackjack21 maybe 4 times and you did bet very well and I could see you doing fine against the top players. The Machine is the player I would point to as a top tier player or one I would guess is a top tier player anyway. He has disappeared of recent. His plays covered high and low sides at the end, and his use of progression in the middle was almost perfect. On top of that he almost never lost a doubling hand or a big move. This tends to tell me he had a perfect running count. As for the big bets there are some good ones. Blackjackgirl for example has a high placing rate. It is so frustrating tho to get action at a table full of high betting players, on a 10 hand game you gotta go big or one of them will beat you. Betting small will give you a very small chance of placing. Many times the 15 hand games weed out the big bets tho but games take too long so not many play. Not that many play the 10 hand games!

    BTW you 11x, what you need is some pain, some Barney pain , LMAO!

  16. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Invitation to Global

    Barney. Get the Mac traded in and come over to Global because I think you would really enjoy playing the tournament games.

    Toolman1. You say that you have no interest in playing Blackjack tournaments on the Internet. Why not give it a try and then decide if you like or dislike it.

    For Reachy and me, Global is our only source of playing tournaments so it would be nice if you two could give us a look in.

    Hope to see you both soon.

    Andy :)
  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Thanx for the invite and I'll probably take you up on it because hey maybe I can win the top prize in the $6000 tournament and pay for my PC! You know you and Reach are always welcome here in the USA and Hell maybe we are related, my family got out of your country in mid to late 1600s! If you need Ill print you out a green card and a fake social security card so you can collect your take from some live games out here in the Old West!


  18. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Andy and Reach

    You two drove me to it, just ordered Virtual PC7 for about 230 bucks $usd so I can bump heads with you at Global. Since you two are Brits I guess you wont soak up the tax write off I'll use to clear this risky investment. As for the rest of the BJTs get ready for a tax hit. LOL I have become very concerned Reach has it way too easy over there at Global! LOLOL

  19. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    Nice one Barney,

    Welcome to the Global world of double down’s and disconnects.

    Seriously, I don’t think that you will regret it.

    One down, and one to go. Come on toolman1.


    Ps Reachy. Do you think Global will comp us for the recruitment drive?
  20. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    WTG Barney.

    Welcome and you will not regret it. :) :) :)

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