Global-Player improvements poll!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TXtourplayer, Apr 3, 2006.


Please mark all changes you would like made or would like to try at Global-Player!

Poll closed Jun 2, 2006.
  1. I would like to be able to doubledown for less.

  2. The current DD system is fine.

  3. I would like to be able to insure for less.

  4. The current insurance system is fine.

  5. I would like the cards to rotate starting points for each hand.

  6. Starting at hand one everytime is fine.

  7. Would you like to try a "LIVE" money elimination tournament?

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I told Global-Player I would poll the players about my suggestions so they could see how many players really agreed with the changes.

    Suggestions where for DD and insurance for less.

    I also suggested a "Live" elimination tournament. :eek:
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2006
  2. tgun

    tgun Member

    suggestion for GPC

    Tell them that I agree with your suggestions.

  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    "Live" money elimination tournaments!

    This is something I was talking to Pumi about. It would kind of be a mixture of Global-Players Cruise and Game Master tournaments in one. :rolleyes:

    To start off with and to keep the cost down I was looking at a $40 entry fee with $20 re-buys, but with a $40 "Live" buy-in for each round.

    The betting limits would be $1 to $20 per hand in each round. Still play 5 players per table and 15 hands per round.

    Everything you win above your $40 buy-in is "REAL" profit, however what ever you lose is actually lost. Of course anything you have left will go back into your account. :rolleyes:

    This is the beauty of a "Live" money tournament, do you risk a $20 DD (possible $40 loss) knowing that it is live money or bite the bullet and just re-buy for $20?

    The play will differ in that a normal $40 entry event with two re-buy's would cost = $80, with "Live" money format a player could lose up to $200 with wild loose play, ($80 in entries and $120 from buy-in's). :eek:

    If we get to try this format, we will need a minimum of 35 players.

    *Note: this is just an idea I have talked to Pumi about. If you like it post your feedback.


    Rick (BigTex @ Global-Player)
  4. UTVolfan

    UTVolfan New Member

    Starting point for cards

    I'm not sure it makes a difference what "starting point" the cards are dealt from. From the perspective of a player, his icon is always in the center (i.e. seat 3), and it always appears the cards are dealt starting from the player 2 seats to his right, but to that player, it appears like the cards are dealt starting with the player 2 seats to his right (which would be 1 seat to the left of the first player.) In computer blackjack, the cards are random enough anyway, so I really don't think that will make any difference whatsoever.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    As long....

    As long as the starting hands are rotated your right it really isn't that big of an issue. I only put that option on the poll since someone had asked me about it before. ;)

    What is is feels about the other options? :confused:
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    Live Money:

    I'd like to see global do it. Some do play different when it's live money. It would be a nice option.

    Now as far as 35 players. Who can say. I think I was able to play in a $50 buy in Global, once. Comfort level has been set at the $15 with no vig or $1.

    Maybe....if it's up long enough, it'll get the action.
  7. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    O.K. I'll ask then.

    Before we vote.
    Many of us on here have only ever played to the current rule system on Global Player Casino tournaments. This site generates a new player everyday and not everyone is experienced in tournament play. If you look at past post’s we can assume that a majority of people who want to enter a tournament will eventually try out Global.
    The Global poll has raised 7 rules that could be changed.
    Can we have a couple of lines for each point explaining the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages of these rule changes in tournament play, regardless of the way that you voted or did not vote.
    I am not against any changes but thought I would ask for others and myself in order to get a better understanding.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Once a month

    If we do get a "Live" money elimination tournament started I think once a month will be more then enough, simular to the Game Master events. :cool:

    I know there will be players who will lose $200 + on this style of event, this is just the nature of a "Live" money tournament, but several will get to enjoy winning money even if not advancing in their round. :eek:

    The once a month schedule is so that players who lose will have time to re-load their accounts.

    If I can get Global to add $500 to $1,000 to the prize fund like in the Game Master events, this may work out good. :rolleyes:

    To be fair to Global-Player I think minimum of 35 players would be needed for any additional prize money added to the prize pool. ;)
  9. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Global Changes


    Although the poll has 7 options to vote, it actually includes only 3 possible changes to the present Global format plus a vote for a live money tournament. My thoughts to your questions are;

    1) doubledown for less;
    Pro...this would allow more flexibility in your secondary bet sizing
    Con...this gives the more experienced tournament player a larger
    advantage although in the long run it should make the less
    experienced better players, an education is never free

    2) insurance for less;
    Pro...the same as DD for less above
    Con...the same as DD for less above

    3) rotate starting points for cards each hand; would make the games more consistant with brick and mortor
    tournament protocol although rotating the button for bets as
    presently done is more important
    Con...would require a software adjustment

    4) I voted for a monthly live money tournament but won't hold my breath,
    I can't forsee 35+ players willing to risk a possible $200. When the
    window is open for $5 SnG's daily the $15 SnG's are dead. It would be
    interesting to know the average number of players participating in the
    monthly GMO tournament with $50 at risk.

    I'm sure there are more pro and con's than my brief list and I as well as Andy
    would like to see additional thoughts to evalate.
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Hi Andy, glad to see our England blackjack connection is taking an interest in my post.

    Really Rookie's explaination of the 7 poll questions were very good. I hope he answered all your questions. :confused:

    I will be playing Global-Players weekly tournament today, I assume you will be there as well. Should you have anymore question please feel free to ask me on the Global chat today. I will try and answer any question you may have. ;)

    *Note: one thing I would like to point out about Rookies answer's. The DD and insurance for less he commented that the "Pro's" would have an advantage over the novice player with these feature. He is correct 100%, but if any of the novice players ever want to play "real land base tournaments" then these features need to be avalible to the players for training. :eek:

    Without these features the site is really not a true training tool for new players. It is better to take your lumps now on the $5 - $40 tournaments here at Global than on a $300 to $1,000 land based tournament isn't it? :rolleyes:

    I do know that the new UBT format will be offering these features when they open up for business. It is my hopes that Global-Player will change their formats (on these two issues) before other sites open up with true land based tournament formats and possibly start taking players away from the Global-Player site.

    As to Rookie's concern about a "live money" tournament, I agree that most will shy away from this format because of the amount of money at risk. However this is a great format for the better players and what you have to remember is that you can lose you round and still make money in this format. Don't just think about what you can lose, you have to think about what you can win as well.

    The $200 loss if if you enter lose all, reenter (twice) and lose all both times. Even if you did have to play 3 times in the first round that doesn't mean you have to blow your entire buy-in all three times ($120). The $80 in entries is the same that we are paying now in the "no cash value" chip tournaments. Why not have a chance to make some money while we are playing.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2006
  11. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Thanks Chaps

    Thanks to Rookie and TXtourplayer for their informative replies.
    Had a look at the pros and cons so I will now cast my vote.
    Although the live money tournament might not be for me at the moment, I will give it a yes because I don’t think it’s fair to deny other players an opportunity to compete in this type of tournament if they want to.
    Andy :)
  12. smellyben

    smellyben New Member

    I have only just started playing in the sng blackjack tourneys on Global. This is deviating slightly from what you are asking but the main think I would like changed at global is for the time per action in these tournaments to be changed. With 30 secs per player this can be rather slow. This is particularly true of the first 10 rounds (out of 15) it would be far better to have 15 seconds a decision plus a 1min time bank like most poker sites do.
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Auto-play feature

    I forgot to ask on the poll if players would like an auto-play feature.

    This would be a button that a play could push in case they have to leave the game early, or gets a call, someone comes to the door...etc.

    Currently if you miss (I believe 3-4 hands) you will be disqualified and taken out of the game.

    All the auto player would be programmed to do is bet the minimum amount, and play basic strategy. No DD, insurance, splits would be allowed in auto-play mode. It would just be away of avoiding disqualification.
  14. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Someone comes to the door

    Tex. What size of house do you live in (Buckingham Palace)?
    I am sure that you can make it to the front door and back before 3 hands are played out on Global.
    Only joking and I do take your point.
    Andy :laugh:
  15. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Auto Play

    I like the idea of auto play if the bet is made immediately and not after 30 seconds, unexpected things do occur at home on occasion that require your presence away from your computer.

    I also believe if the change is implemented and a player fails to utilize the auto play button, disqualification and removal from the game should occur after 2 hands not 4.

    The plus is; if auto play is selected by a player, the other 4 players won't have to wait 30+ seconds for a number of hands the player not in attendance didn't bet or act on after receiving his/her first 2 cards.

    Another suggestion for a select few players on Global SnG's, don't wait 25 seconds to make a minimum $10 bet the 1st few hands if you always bet minimum the 1st five or so hands and then take another 25 seconds to stand on 19 against a dealer 6.
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good points, but

    Yes Rookie the auto play would be immediately, no 30 second delay.

    I understand your suggestion that with auto-play, disconnect would happen within two hands, but you have to think about the players that get knocked off line.
    They have to be given time to get back online and for that you need at least four hands.

    Last thing we talked about was a pre bet button (I believe it was Walt's suggestion back about 6 months ago). This function would really speed up the game. Players could make their bets and eliminate the time lost waiting for their place to come up before they are allowed to make their bets.

    *Note: the pre bet would not show your bet posted until your turn came up.
  17. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Knocked off Line


    Good point, I have never been knocked off line so that point escaped me even though I have been in game(s) when it happened to others. I agree leave it at 4 missed bets to be fair to players for malfunctions beyond their control.

    I'm not sure a pre bet button would increase game speed often especially when BR's are close or during the last few hands, you need to see as many prior bets per hand as possible in an attempt to properly size your bet. The first few hands if you plan to bet minimum, auto bet would accomplish the same thing.
    Poker on the internet is different, you can click Check/Fold with no additional funds at risk which speeds the game up.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2006
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Pat hands

    Rookie the pre-set button would be used on minimum size bets early in the round and pat hands hard 17-BJ where you know your not going to hit. :rolleyes:

    Just think with 5 players cutting 20 seconds off per hand (that includes betting and playing the hands) that is 1:40, now mutiple that by just the first ten hands = 16:40 is the time that could be saved. :eek:

    I really believe more time than that could be cut from the Sit & Go events. I only allowed 20 seconds off and if the bet/play was pre-set if would cut off 30 seconds. And if everyone pre-set there bets and pre-set there pat hands there could be over 2-3 minutes saved. :eek:
  19. tgun

    tgun Member

    auto-bet on GPC


    I like your idea for having an auto-bet button for when you have to be away from the table. But I do not want the auto-play-basic feature you suggested. Let it remain as is, auto stand only.

  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Let me rephase that,

    Tgun when I am talking about auto-bet for players still at the table I should call it a pre-bet.

    The players would still place their own bets each hand, but with a pre-bet button you wouldn't have to wait until your turn to place your bet. Your actual bet wouldn't post until it was your turn still.

    This is just a time saving option.

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