Global Players no longer accepts US players

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by kirbyk, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    Surprised to see this when I logged on to see tonights VP leaderboard. Came up right in my face. Looks like we are near the end of the road. No longer accepting deposits. Requests that we remove funds via Neteller ASAP.
  2. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Couldn't find it

    Kirby, I just went to Global and couldn't find anything saying they are no longer allowing US players to play. I was able to buy into a sit 'n go with no problem. ??????, thrasht
  3. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    Go to Web site

    Plain as day, here is what it says.

    Important notice for United States Residents
    On September 29th 2006, the United States Senate has passed "The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006" (UIGEA), which U.S. President George W. Bush signed on Friday, October 13th 2006.

    That law will prohibit banks, credit card companies and other financial institutions from processing funds from "unlawful" internet gambling.

    To ensure that this controversial act was passed, it was attached to a popular and completely unrelated bill HR 4954: "Security and Accountability For Every Port Act of 2006", the "SAFE Port Act" (starting on page 213).

    The wording of the Act is based on two previously failed bills: HR 4411 and HR 4777.

    The Act does not make it illegal for US citizens to play online; however it drastically affects your ability to wager online by making it difficult to send and receive your deposits and winnings.

    As a result of this Act, all customers with US based addresses will no longer be able to deposit into their player account.

    However, all other accounts with non-US based addresses will remain unaffected.

    Due to certain restrictions in the bill, we are no longer able to process gaming transactions in US currency via bank draft, wire transfer, FirePay, and PrePaidATM.

    The available method is now NETeller, and we kindly ask you to login to your account, using your username and password as customary and proceed to withdraw your funds using our NETeller option.

    Please be advised that NETeller will only accept withdrawals of $5 or more.

    If you have less than $5 in your account, please feel free to login to your account and play these funds.

    If you have not yet created a NETeller account, you may do so at NETeller's official site:

    We continue to maintain that it is your individual right to be allowed to play online responsibly in another form you see fit and therefore invite you to contact your Congressman (or woman) to express your concerns.

    We hope that the situation will be resolved, to allow you to resume playing with us and continue to enjoy the high levels of service and promotions that you have come to expect from us.

    It was just a matter of time. Hope everybody excercised there right & voted!
  4. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Thank You

    Kirby and JM, Bummer for me as Global is my favorite site to play tournament BJ. Thanks for the update guys. thrasht
  5. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    May still play some games for bonus points as long as I have a balance but it's not quite the same as winning cash.

    End of the era for me - this was my last active account from a time when I had up to 20.

    Wrote to my Senators and representative but the only response was a history of the bill which I already knew.

    Us East Coast folks don't have too many choices to play without hopping on a plane. See you on Southwest!
  6. sirklas

    sirklas Member

    Now we are alone :(

    Hi folks!

    That is really bad to be there alone on that site. Nobody will be there at the tournaments. It is the first site, where I started to play online blackjack tournaments. Where I got to know some of you great guys and now all will be over? That really sucks and I can`t explain in words how bad I feel!

    I hope the law will be changed asap and we will go on playing some nice tournaments on Global.

    I wanna thank everybody I got to know on Global Player. From you guys I really learned how to play Blackjack Tournaments. A also wanna thank you all for some very nice conversations.

    I consindered the players on Global as the best ones in the world and it was a pleasure to learn from you!!


    Bye, a depressed Sirklas :confused:
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Jesus wept!

    Apologies for my blasphemous remarks but this certainly is the end of an era. Without Global and the American players who supported and encouraged me, who were friendly, open and often very, very funny, I'd probably be lying on the sofa now watching re-runs of Miami Vice, Quincy M.E. and When Insects Attack! Instead I am here talking mostly babbling rubbish with hopefully the odd insightful remark and you lot saying to yourselves "what the hell is this guy on and what did WE do to deserve it?"

    I don't play in Global as often as I used to but when I do play it's like going to visit an old friend in the town where you grew up. Compared to ANY of the other sites the level of play is in another world. The majority of the players are hardened veterans of TBJ and you definitely learn a sh*t-load when you play with them. Comparing the play between Global and is like comparing crack marksmen with people smacking those games at fairs, the ones where you have lots of holes and things pop-up out of them and you have to hit them with a rubber mallet. That's how much higher the standard of play is (of course it comes down a notch or two on average when I'm there but that's by the by).

    I shall have to remove my balance from there now. With nobody to play there is little point and I'll be suprised if they can stay afloat...

    Come on guys - THINK! There must be something we can do!


  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Don't scream

    Don't scream Reachy, in red no less. We can all hear you.
  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Gone but not forgotten

    Damn I never thought that writing a post on here would fill my eyes with tears.

    Global Player introduced me to Blackjack Tournaments and the American players on there showed me how to play the game.

    You chaps helped me so much and I will always be ever grateful.

    I will miss you all on the net.

    Hope it eventually works out for you and good luck on the live tables.

    I will have to save my memories of American’s and Global Tournaments for a later date because I feel too sad to post them on here now.

    Andy :sad:
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    No fond farewells are needed

    Andy on behalf of my American brothers and sisters whom you have met and played against on Global-Player it was our pleasure to meet our fellow tournament players from across the pond such as yourself Reachy, Sunshine and Chris. We have formed a friendship that will not be severed just because of Global decision to not fight Washington .We will all be heard from in a loud and clear voice in the near future trust me on this

    Stay in touch lad

  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Global/Get21/all the other back-boned chicken little sites will be sorry.

    What's is your insight on this Joe...How near in the future??
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Fred my insight on this is that this is just to great of a country that always preaches free choice and no limits of freedom that something as politically motived as this bill was and the recent backlash of public opinion via the election day results and the way the INTERNET portion was slipped into it making a political nightmare to have voted against it .

    I believe that the turn of events in Washington will have the lawmakers trying to mend fences with the people that give them their soft and cushy jobs real soon before the next election......

  13. tgun

    tgun Member


    Jan and I just removed our funds from GPC. Sad day! I've been playing there for 3 years and introduced the rest of the "stl mafia" to Global. We will miss all of our friends from the other side of the pond. You guys are great!Our chatroom conversations will be missed the most.

    Although not the same, at least we can hear your voices here.

    Thanks for all your kind words.

    tgun & swede (Tom & Jan)
  14. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    A short note

    My condolences to you, tgun and the rest of the SLM. Please give LHENRYC my sympathies. :cry:

    NOW, Let's get on with the B&M tournaments! :band2:
  15. noman

    noman Top Member

    Reachy, Droogie, London C., sirklus and others:

    Since you all get 20 Holidays a year, take one of them over here for a B& M tourney, with high equity, to help the travel. Maybe youse could get a tour group discount. And preferably to Vegas, if not necessarily a UBT stop.

    If it'll help you all get free drinks on me.(Last statement open to many interpertations.)
  16. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    8 more like

    Noman, you're confusing the UK with the rest of Europe. The UK has the least number of national holidays in Europe and possibly the world. And we work longer hours. France has 210 days off and Italy, well they don't even work! In Spain they sleep all day and the shops only open at 7pm for 1/2 an hour.




    PS. Have applied for $10K credit at Barona and they've agreed to not only enter me in $500 UBT event but send the company Learjet over to pick me up.
  17. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    It's never over!

    What fun it was to put a face with names of "tgun", "LHENRYC", "instagator" "UTvolfan", "luckygem", "suzyc", "jbird", "rookie", "swog", "zorro", BJSWEETIE", "ptaylorcpa" "walt_h" "wBill" "applejack", "jascan", "Big Tex", etc., etc., etc. I remember writing down nicknames while tgun and LHENRYC gave us background info on all the global players at our first meeting in Tunica. Then, many live tournaments later, meeting "sirklas" who made it across the pond to play at the Grand.

    Friends met in competition are never erased in memory. Possibly Global has made it possible to deepen our friendships.

    Played with LadyG yesterday. Over dinner she talked about how much fun was had by all in Vegas at the "Global Reunion".......why not make it a yearly, or biannual/semiannual event? And, STL Mafia, ya'll seem to be able to do a great job at party planning, whacha' think? :D . Possibly, Reachy, a reunion could coincide with one of your infrequent holidays, huh, maybe?

    Not to sound redundant, but, as always, we remain appreciative of Ken and this site where we can continue to stay "in touch".

    It's been fun. Someday, we hope to meet all of you at the FINAL table ;).

    Lee/Frank, aka "Counselorlee", "LDE", "lotsaluc", "franke", "FEIII"
  18. noman

    noman Top Member

    Reachy admonishment

    I stand, sit, or fall down corrected. Forgive me for the confusion. It just seemed you were flitting off quite often lately.
  19. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Auld Lang Syne

    I shouldn’t reveal this but I just have to get it out. I guess its the Dr. Jeckyl part in me. I’ve had the opportunity to play with some of the “old” Global players recently during matches. The conversations were nice and friendly and got me to reminiscing about the times I’ve spent at Global.

    It was at Global that I really “cut my teeth” in BJ tourney play. As a newcomer I learned many many lessons during the 1-1 matches.

    It was at Global that the SNG’s were particularly helpful as time and time again I made donations to various women’s groups (you KNOW who you are).

    It was at Global that I learned about the many techniques that I now take for granted.

    It was at Global where the chat feature allowed me to joke with Pumi and several other players at the same time. It allowed me the ability to gain proficiency at playing and typing.

    It was Global that helped me to hone my annoying chatter while playing!

    It was also Global that chased me away with their regulations and harsh identification policy.

    It was Global that I ranted and raved against but nevertheless returned to when I needed to play some civilized players.

    It was Global that sent me a birthday bonus when all the other BJ sites couldn’t care less.

    Now Global is gone and I sit here and remember those more innocent times.

    In honor of Global I dedicate this video to you and the many players that I met there. I don’t know what the words are saying but I copied them, verbatim for you.

    I hope you will enjoy the memories – I know I will. :sad:
  20. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Nicely Put FGK

    I couldn't have said it better myself. I echo your comments FGK. Hopefully many of the Global crew make it on to Tex's cruise again next summer. If not I'll see you all in Vegas soon or at a TBT event, thrasht

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