Gold Strike 8/7/2010

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by ptaylorcpa, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    There was a big crowd for the tournament (I think I heard a number over 300), most were probably comped. I know several listers made it as far as the semi finals, but not sure if any made it to the final table. Perhaps one of those who stayed around to the finals will let us know if anyone finished in the money.

    I'll post a copy of the rules as a separate thread for those interested.

    PS: If they called my name for the wild card for the finals please don't mention that either since my wife insisted we get home before dark. :)
  2. phantom

    phantom New Member

    I got there in time to play but had been up about 24 hours so I didn't enter. It was the first time I had been to Tunica or to any casinos in years.

    I'm going back in two weeks to play the Sam's Town tournament.

    I did win $500 during my trip.

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