Gold Strike or The Bend Me over tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    WOW! if reports are true that I am getting the Gold Strike casino in Tunica is putting on perhaps the worst blackjack tournament in history!

    $100 entry plus re-buys with 450 players signed up ($45,000 before re-buys) and they are only paying out $23,325 in prize money, plus $1,900 in gaming vouchers.

    Can you said "BEND OVER"! I have heard about some bad tournaments before, but this may be the worst case of a casino screwing the players I have ever heard of.

    Lets see that is $19,775 dollars in there pockets (if they have no re-buys).

    I hope they do the right thing and add at least another $15,000 to $20,000 (depending on the re-buys) into the prize pool tomorrow.

    If they keep the cash I hope they choke on it!

    I guess they figure since Adoff Lepre is adding $25,000 to the Sheraton tournament this weekend (accross the street) that no one would notice the $25,000 they are taking out.
  2. meatwad

    meatwad New Member

    ouch.....and the gaming commission down there is going to let this slide? 44% for the house???
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    " Sleeping With The Enemy "

    Did you ever see the movie " Sleeping With The Enemy ".Well thats what the Gaming board does in every state .They sleep with the enemy not their enemy but ours.So ruling's against the casino's are few and far between.New Jersey is one Gaming board that is not always in bed with them.They just rule against everyone casinos included :flame:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Maybe more....

    Meatwad don't forget they are offering re-buys today so it could be over 50% for the casino.

    But I am sure they will use that money to do something nice for all the players....Yea, Right!
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    $55.56 room rate?

    I was told the Gold Strike gave away a free room with the $100 entry.

    MMMmmm, $25,000 in extra cash divide 450 players = $55.56 per player, sounds like they got paid for those free rooms to me.
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I was told rooms were included, wow even a better deal for the casino.

    I read about the drive through and donuts, what a nut.
  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    The story I heard from one of the pit bosses was this guy dropped about $65K between the horseshoe and gold strike. He was down to a few bucks and one of the dealers would not let him make a bet since it was below the table minimum. He got mad and walked over to the Horseshoe and stole a car from the valet parking line and drove it through the glass entry in the Grand and spun the car around on the waxed marble floors of the lobby. He intended to line it up and take it right down the center of the gaming floor and take out the tables, but he could not get any traction and just spun his tires. The amazing part of it all was that no one was hurt and the guy missed hitting the car sitting in the lobby for the giveaway and he didn't cause any other damage other than busting out the windows and doors at the front. He is in jail without bond.
  9. UTVolfan

    UTVolfan New Member

    Gold Strike

    Rooms were not included with the $100 entry fee. At least I know I didn't get one. From my understanding, a lot of the players had their entries comped based on play, not that it makes it any less lopsided for the player. Also, only the top 1 player advanced from the first round. I do think it was a poorly designed, and poorly run tournament and I will definitely think twice before playing a tournament at Goldstrike again.
  10. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Love all the rumors, he was at the Gold Strike poker room and had been to the Horseshoe playing poker. At the Strike he was on the omaha hi-low unlimited buy-in wait list. They called him to a table, he sat down and on the first hand he caught the low, he went all in for $65,000. But the floor person that had seated him put him at an omaha hi table, he lost, he demanded his $ back since it was a casino screw up. You know what the casino told him so he got pissed. (I was on a table next to his when this happened, could not help but notice as he was quite vocal to say the least). In all it is rumored that he lost over $100,000 at the 2 poker rooms. The stolen car must be a rumor since he was not charged with car theft. The poker room will not comment on this when asked.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    That sucks, although the player should have been paying attention to what table he was playing. With the kind of money he was playing (from the rumors) I think most of us would have made sure the table limits and rules before playing, I know I would have.

    Remember where you are at! You're in a casino, they want your money, don't assume anything, if you don't watchout for yourself the casino won't.

    I learned my lesson about just seating at a table without paying attention several years back in Vegas. A group of us were talking and I just sat down at a blackjack table without looking at the rules.

    I had a $150 bet and caught an 18 vs dealers 6. The dealer flipped an ace for 17...winner! NO! It was a hit soft 17 table and of course the dealer drew a 3 for 19 to beat me.

    Since that time, I learned to pay more attention before sitting down at any gaming table, anywhere.

    Note: I was seated at the wrong poker table just two weeks ago, but I asked before I started playing and caught their mistake.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2006
  12. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    He also may have had one or two too many "free" drinks and this may be why he did not check to see if he was seated at the right table.
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    You don't think the casinos would give away free drinks to take advantage of us do you?...LOL
  14. Jascan

    Jascan Member

    I was also in the Gold Strike Tourn and did not get my room Comped. I was one of the first 50 players that confirmed and paid in Dec...The tourn registration was on the main floor, between the Crap tables and the BJ tables.....The line stretched like a snake throughout the Casino....... Not a pretty site....I will think Twice before making the trip for the Gold Strike only.....
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Swog was mistaken

    Swog got Gold Strike and Sheraton mixed up. It was Sheraton that was giving away free rooms.

    Sorry, kill Swog not me...LOL.
  16. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    While at the Gold Strike I talked with one of the casino hosts that informed me that this $100 tournament was strictly to appease their many small stakes customers who haave not received invitations to the larger tourneys. He further stated that approximately 95% of the entries were comps. They had even run radio advertisments and wound up with nearly 400 entries, much more than expected. My room was comped but it was strictly based on previous play. It was my understanding that the $100 entry fee did not include a room.
    I certainly agree that registration was a mess and playing in the pit with so many players was a nightmare. Previous $500 buy ins have been upstairs with a nice reception buffet and were well run. Sorry it was such a mess this time. They had booked a Southern State Farm Insurance group where the tourneys normally are played.
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I still have a problem with this

    First I can't see them comping 95% out of 400 players, but even if they comped out 95% of the players I feel they should have added in any paid entry fees into the prize pool.

    That just really seems cheap to me, we'll give away $25,000, but we want to keep the $2,000 in entry fees we brought in plus re-buys.

    I have played at the Gold Strike before and really enjoyed the tournament and staff. But this tournament it sounds like someone really dropped the ball.

    Did they get a new tournament director or something?
  18. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thanks DDuke

    The more I thought about that tournament the more something didn't sound right.

    I say give everyone a chance, they messed up this one. Lets see how they handle the next tournament before I give them anymore hell.

    The one thing I do suggest though is if you play poker there, make sure which table your at...LOL.
  20. Amazing

    No innocent bystanders were struck by the car or flying glass is simply amazing. Can only wonder what would of happened if he would of gotten the car down towards the tables. Could of been a very bad situation. We stayed at the Gold Strike years ago and after 3 fire alarms going off in the middle of the night, my wife will think twice about staying there again. All 3 alarms were false. By the time the 3rd alarm went off, no one took it seriously. All met in the hallway, looked around and went back to bed. Just thankful it wasn't a bad situation where no-one took it seriously. Do look forward to more tournaments in the Tunica area.

    Take care
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2006

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