Golden Acorn in February

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by RKuczek, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    will have a reduced prize pool and reduced entry fees - new prize pool is $2,500 (was $5,000) - with $1,000 for first (was $2,000) - new entry/reentry fees are $25/$15 (was $35/$20)

    Event will be Saturday, 16 Feb - I am guessing that this will be a regular schedule for them in the future - third Saturday each month

    my guess is with their turnouts - this new structure will give them a very close to break even event - for the casino - may even make themk a small amount of money

    hopefully they will at least run it regularly - not in the off and on pattern they have had -

    they will lose some players most likely - as the tourney is now less valuable - and people won't be as willing to travel for it -

    I have listed it in the events calendar
  2. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    Recent Golden Acorn Tournement

    Did anyone go to this tournament. Was it ran the same as last yr. Will there be more in the future. Did you get caught in the snow?
  3. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Feb Tourney

    I wasn't able to make it - had to work over the weekend - but they have been pretty consistent in format and such - they just keep reducing the prize pool - was $10,000 for a $10 entry two years ago - now down to $2,500 for a $25 entry - at that level they may actually break even -

    I read about the snow - we don't have snow in Yuma - and I was surprized they had any there - don't think it is very common -

    I think they are planning to have tournaments every month - Next month they may be competing with Viejas - which is a $50K tourney - for $100 entry - and if so - I will be at Viejas if anywhere - hopefully they will choose a different day for their tourney - if so I will be there (not a lot of options for those of us who live in Yuma) - if possible

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