Golden Acorn

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by RKuczek, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    there are no tournaments scheduled for June - and they did not know when, or if, they would start up bj tournaments again.

    GA started out with $10,000 tourneys, and had progressively reduced the prize pools (down to $2,500 in their most recent tourneys) while hiking the entry fees - reducing a very positive ev tournament to a pretty poor deal for the players - especially if you are bearing travel costs of any kind - even gas to/from Yuma -

    don't think GA ever figured out what their purpose in running bj tournaments was - nor how to market them
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    They try again.....


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  3. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    I am really amazed that Golden Acorn is still trying BJ Tournaments - pleased that they are but amazed - they started with $10,000 tourneys with $25 entries - then dropped the entries to $10 ($25 rebuys) - then dropped the prize pools to $5,000 then to $2,500 - now they are trying $10,000 for $100? - given that $10,000 for $10 produced fields of only 55-85 players - I can't imagine they will draw that many entries - at least from those who have to pay for it - they seem to be copying Viejas with the suited BJ thing - but - its to go into a drawing for an entry? evidently - somehow I think it will be interesting to go just to see how many show up - if they comp in 100 people from the drawings - yuk - if, on the other hand - they end up with maybe 25 people playing for $10,000 - very nice overlay likely then -
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    The entry is 100$. The way I see it that is the open pay option. You get free entry invite from drawings earned with suited BJs... Im not sure why you changed the calendar...... Did you call and hear otherwise?
  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    The calendar had the prize pool at $5,000 - I changed it to $10,000 - that's the only change I made
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    The entry fee field wont accept 100$ I guess for some reason. I tried to change it from unknown to 100$ but it still says unknown. Maybe swog or Ken can fix it...?

    A couple thing I found odd/funny.

    You get beverages with the buy in- if you have played there before you know they have free soft drinks and such all the time.

    The suited BJ promo ends a week before the game. Maybe they are going to mail the invites after a drawing with the drawing taking place a week before.

    I would guess they bring about 80 players. This game is a little more attractive, for traveling players, than Viejas because it has rebuys at $45 then $35. The Viejas suited BJ game was for 5K at $50 buy in with no rebuys. Im just waiting for Viejas to throw a $50K up on that weekend lol.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008

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