Golden Palace Be there!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Oct 21, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    2:00 gmt = 7:00pm pst 1.10$ for a chance of seat to $2500 gaurantee game need 14 playas now at 3

    3:00 gmt = 8:00pm pst 2.20$ $500 gaurantee needs 25 we have 6

    3:30 gmt = 8:30pm pst free roll $100 pool

    Get with it people! Christ's sakes!:whip:
  2. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    Barney, Looks like you moved right into the Golden Palace. Did you get evicted from your previous abode (blackjack21).:eek:

  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    It seems like you've found a new home there at the GP!

    I've tried to do their tourneys but their formats are confusing :confused:

    For the 1st time I'm having software problems with GP. I had a quick hand game freeze on me, when I hit certain tourney's I get kicked off, etc. This is a first time so now I apologize to those who have experieneced this in the past and I wasn't very sympathetic - it really sucks.

    GP's look and format isn't my cup of tea - maybe have me in their web! We'll see but I highly recommend the quick games, especially the 5-hand $25 table.

    I suggest playing in the quick hands to drum up business for the tourney's - that is if your chat works! :flame:

    I may see ya there but I doubt it
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2006
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Perg FG

    These people at Golden Palace are so nice. Yesterday they gave me 10 bucks for placing in a free roll. Today they gave me 400 bucks after paying about 5 bucks to play a game. I dont see you 2 giving me anything but headaches at the tables! :joker:

    BTW, Mike DELL is building my new Bet21able lap puter that has a big screen and surround sound. Never let your teenagers help you order a puter! I need to win the Golden Palace $12500 guarantee game just to pay for it! :D

  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    GP Sunday Tourney's

    Today, Sunday October 22, 2006

    Tourneys of Interest:

    250 GRNTD - Turbo 15:00 GMT (translated to 11:00 EST)
    500 GRNTD - Speed 15:30 GMT (translated to 11:30 EST)
    1000 GRNTD - 21:30 GMT (translated to 5:30 EST)

    How to you get there:

    Go to the scheduled tab and click
    Then click Special Tournaments:

    Buy in are a measly 1.00 (100 pennies) for the 250 Tourney
    2.00 (200 pennies) for the 500 Tourney and
    4.00 (4 Wendy's junior burgers) for the 1000 GRNTD!

    Of yeah house cut of 10% vig - since I've read previous post even Barney is paying this :laugh: so YOU can too!

  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Dude, Amigo, ese, pardner, mate, etc.

    This is the best gift you could give this PST boy on a Sunday morning, you did my secretarial work for me! Unfortunate for me I will be sloppin Menudo y Tecates during first two games, but dont count me out. With all the free $$$ they handed me last two days my 50# chimp hanging on my back grew last night, now a 500# Ape! If I make another hit today we could be upgrading to King Kong!:eek:

    BTW, before game open play window for that specific game. Its the one with the elimination column on right side. Keep it open while the player table opens. During game you can move the player page a little to one side and click on the first page I called play window. You can then track the number of tables playing. Yesterday in the $1000 game I advanced to the second table and thought I was fighting for the 1st prize, I got second and announced to my son I won about $250, a pop up came and said my next table would start in 25 secs. That was fine because I improved my position in the final!

    OH, be there 12pst $22 buy in. No bots allowed!

  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    They still in business???? :eek:
  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Going by

    The business plans these others are using, massive debt, blackjack21 might be the only survivor in the end!
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    ha ha ha ha ha ha :laugh:

    That's funny. BJ21 likely won't make it past the end of the year! Unless they like earning zero, zip, zilch. Where the heck are their players????
  10. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Im serious FG

    Maybe you can explain to me how UBT is paying for their free rolls and bought TV time and paid employees like Phil Hellboy? How is Golden Palace paying me to hundreds of dollars to play there? blackjack212 is starting from scratch,a web page almost zero debt. These other are going to have to bust a move here or the debt monster is going to spit them out.

    BTW, It looks like we are saving GOld P 500 bucks, just short of the needed player pool.
  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    You're a business person you SHOULD know better than to ask those niave questions.

    BET21/UB/UBT network has the backing of the poker with them. They've just expanded their business model. Like when GM spun off Saturn. You advertise to your existing customer base produce a new product and turn a profit.

    Golden Palace supplements their new product from their casino - you know that. Get people hooked with the freebee's then reel them in - just like the crack dealers did in the 1980's here in US. - no customer base - no supplemental income. Web page has low costs but you gotta run the servers in Costa Rica or whereever. They don't spend any $ to advertise. The DON'T give a rats arse about their customers (you know what I'm talking about). So why should I support them? In fact besides you who else is talking good - or even talking about them? :rolleyes:
  12. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    ATTN: Good Overlay HERE

    I'm with you FGK--where is everyone who knows a good deal? The game graphics are a little funky but these G-Palace games are good. Twice today (or more) not enough show up to play 25 people for $250 or $500 for only a couple of dollars--what's up people?

    I should add that I'm a diehard elimination format fan, but these G-Pal games are scheduled well before the good stuff on UBT/B21 so come give it a whirl! (Note: This is an unpaid endorsement...)
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2006
  13. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    I truly wish I could join you all at these so-called illicit free-roll tournaments that I hear so much chatter about, but the powers to be in the lovely state of New York will not allow me to partake in such ventures. :sad:

  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Dr. P,

    I'll let you use my Florida address if you want! Or just move across the border!
  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    30 minutes to go

    Register for the 2500 Feeder tourney - Only 1.00. That's right one (1) dollar, a Wendy's frosty, jr. bacon cheeseburger. Come on people

    At 1700 GMT, 5 pm EST there is a feeder into the 12,500 tourney. Cost is 3.00. Only need 17 people. JUST 17.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2006

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