golden (rip-off) palace casino a message to ken smith

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by marichal, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. marichal

    marichal Member

    it just keeps getting better with this site. now after a week and a half of trying to get a refund for just two, (2), tourneys that i was not able to complete. one ,i was knocked off, and the other i was not able to start, after paying. they have now sent a response, with bascially a form letter stating that if i had problems with their melt down on oct 30, there could be refunds. they did not even respond to the two days that i had troubles with. this rip off site just keeps making excusses in dealing with their customers. i have suggested that they read this forum and see that i am not just the only one that has had problems with this horrible site. thank god people is wa. are not allowed to play on this rip off site.

    ken, i have had the upmost respect for you in the past years, playing against yourself and asking questions. i know that this is not your fault. i believe that you did not think that this is the type of bj tourney site that you had in mind when you leant your name to the site. i want this site to make it, as we need whatever sites that are still in business on the net. but, my friend, this is not what i would want my name attached to.

    i am not out a huge amount of monies. it is the prinicpal of the matter. i would like to play once again, but am not assured that their problems are solved or that they give a damn about we, the customers. it sure does not look like gpc does give a damn.

    i wish you and all continued success in our business. we will need it with sites such as gpc.
  2. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    For someone who hates a site so bad sure seems to spend a lot of time there....hummmmmmmmmmmm

    Whats up with that???
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Juan just pulled WC tonight and I could swear he has been smoking all day! Leah too! Pretty soon they will be "BOUGHT" just like Ona and I! LOL Also, I could swear Ona is picking up a bunch of groupies! I gotta get her out of those fish nets during tourney play! LMAO.
  4. marichal

    marichal Member

    did not play for 5 days after not receiving what i purchaced.
    but, i guess that you are the type of individual that does not care if customers are treated poorly. that is your right.

    in my company that i had, my customers came first.

    now, that this is my business, i employ the same concept
  5. marichal

    marichal Member

    the groupies are what i am concerned about barney
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    i guess that you are the type of individual that does not care if customers are treated poorly.

    Why would you say that...I posted a way for you to contact a real person on this site to help with your problems.

    My point was that you came here ...slamed Ken Smith, and slamed the site with his picture on it...while at the same time playing in every event held there for the last few

    I guess you got everything worked out except for disclaimer about your previous posts...

    Or maybe you just want to keep others away while you clean house...:laugh:

    Its new site ..they have problems ...but actually far fewer problems than most other sites....but you made it and Ken sound like the worst thing on earth...

    And now you live there....Id call that a little hypocritical...

    Its a good should be spreading the word so that more people can play and so that it grows into a better site...

    Compitition is good for every site...and best for us...

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