Grand Tunica Mil. Maker 2/10/07

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    A Millionaire Maker qualifier was posted on the Calendar for the Grand Casino Tunica on 2/10/07. The calendar posting said nothing about it being an invite so I assumed it was open especially since there is a $400 entry fee. I called and was told this event is by invite only. Damn, how I HATE the idea of invitationals. :flame:

    Does anyone else have any feedback on this?
  2. I got invited last year but I haven't heard anything from them this year.
  3. the farmer

    the farmer New Member

    Bj Tournament - Grand - Tunica

    Yes , Toolman1 if interested call Roy McGee (casino host) tell him that I Hollis Shipp had you call. 1/800/win/4/win x77727. The buy in (is) $400.00 . He will give you all the details , or you can get it off this very webbsite.Roy toll me that if anyone wanted in to call him & he would get them in. the farmer
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Nice one

    the farmer,

    Thanks for the tip and offering to help me out. I'll call tomorrow and let you know the outcome.
  5. the farmer

    the farmer New Member


    You're very welcome--- the farmer
  6. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Any luck toolman?

    I was wondering how you came out Toolman? I am thinking about calling to see if they would let me play, but I figured I would wait and see how you did first. After all you should have some clout with your diamond card while I have no pull with my gold card.

  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Called 3 times. Got an answering machine each time. On the 3rd try, I left a message. Waiting for a reply. I will keep the forum posted when I have more info.
  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I succeeded in getting into this tournament by calling Roy McGee at the Grand as "the farmer" suggested. He was very cooperative. He said others with a player's card (any level) can call him and he would see what he can do. I got the impression that if you have a record of play at the Grand then this is a big plus. He is off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. If you get an answering machine, leave a message - he will return your call.

    I got the hotel room comped but I'm not sure if this is policy for the tournament or because of my record of play. Of course I still have to pay the $400 entry fee. Since this is in conflict with the Tulsa event, that may siphon off some of the better players. :D They expect 280 to 300 players. Probably accumulation style. Good luck to all that go. If you are debating between this and Tulsa, go to Tulsa so I have a better chance at the Grand. :D :)

    Note to the farmer: Thank you again. Really appreciate it. Maybe we will meet there so I can shake you hand. :)
  9. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Thanks Toolman

    I am still waffling on which event to attend, but probably will wind up at the Grand since it is a lot closer and I already got permission from the better half on this one and she wasn't to keen on driving all the way to Tulsa.

    DeltaDuke says this is strictly an accumulation tournament. You get to play two rounds for the buyin, combine your scores. Rebuy gets you to replace the lower score. No semifinals or final table, strictly the two rounds and rebuy.

    No confirmation on this, but this was the word when we played at Fitz last weekend.


    PS: Looking at the events calender, it doesn't mention a rebuy, so it may just be the combined score of the two rounds.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2007
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    If you make it to the Grand it will be my pleasure to see you again. On the other hand, I'm encouraging all seasoned players to go to Tulsa since I'll be at the Grand. I'd rather be lonely and win than have lots of friends around to watch me lose. :D

    All kidding aside, best of luck to everyone this coming week no matter where you play.
  11. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Go to Tulsa...seasoned players

    So the Farmer's spreading the word, huh? Gee, thanks Hollis, thought we'd have it all to ourselves in Ms. We look forward to meeting you Toolman. And, Pat, the competition is much tougher with you at the table....(I remember well when you told me, (the newby) that it was hand 24, when it was actually hand 25...and I believed you!!) And...Rick will never let me live that one down. :laugh: Anyway, the Indians are REAL nice at Cherokee and I'm sure they would love to have you join the rest of your pro friends there. :D

    Oh, well, should you come we would be glad to see long as you don't sit to my left.

    Good luck all, Lee and Frank
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'll never give you a hard time...

    You were in the semifinals, not me. Your the one that has bragging rights...LOL

    Good luck in Tunica, wish you and Frank were headed north instead, miss seeing you guys.
  13. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    If ptaylorcpa comes to the Grand have him introduce us then he can leave, don't need the competition :joker: . If TEX comes no need to be concerned where he sits since the format is accumulation. But of course, let him go to Tulsa too so we have that much less competition.

    Jeez, hope Tex doesn't read this post. :D
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No Love...

    Damn Toolman, I'm not feeling the love, It's like you don't want me in Tunica...LOL

    I'm already committed to Tulsa for the week, but I wish all in Tunica good luck, even Toolman...LOL
  15. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    I dont understand accumulation style. I guess what has got me confused is where you get 500 bonus points for early regstration. Can someone explain this. THANKS
  16. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    You get the 500 "Bonus Points" if you register on Thursday. This is a gimmick to get out-of-towners in the casino a day earlier so hopefully you'll spend an extra day gambling in their casino. Those "Bonus Points" have nothing to do with your tournament score. They are "Bonus Reward Points" credited to your Player Card "reward points". Translation: 500 Bonus Points = $5 worth of comps. Quite a deal, no?

    The principal of "accumulation" tournaments is quite simple. In this tournament, you play 2 rounds and you start each round with the same amount of chips. Your chip counts at the end of each round is added together and the person with the highest count wins the big bucks. Problem is that there will be about 300 players so you have to win more than any of them to take home first. There is no need to do any "chip counting" (except your own) at the table you are at because you are not trying for a table win. You are playing against all that entered the tournament. If you think that sounds like a lot of luck - YOU BETCHA!!! :eek:
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Add your rounds together...

    Dynomike1 you add whatever chips you have after 2 - 3 rounds of play and the top X number of players advance to the next round.

    This format is not my favorite because you may win your table and not even be able to advance if all 6 or 7 players from just one table beats you.

    Skill has very little to do with accumulation style tournaments, what you what is a cold dealer from the start, and start out with maximum bets until you reach a set goal.

    Good luck, you'll need it...LOL
  18. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I-69 Help!

    This is an opportunity for the southern members here to show off your fine SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY. I'm coming from the Chicago area using I-55. I've been to Tunica before but I understand that there is a new Interstate highway, I-69, that just opened recently which connects I-55 to US-61. It is new enough that it is not on any maps, computer or otherwise. Questions to those familiar with the area:

    Heading South on I-55, how far past Memphis is the interchange for I-69?

    When I exit I-69, I assume I go South on US-61. From that interchange, how far am I from the general casino area?
  19. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    Thanks to everyone. Looks like a way for a lot of players to bust out. That might be my stratagy.
    Toolman: Dont bother with I69 Where you are coming from there is no short cut other than the way you already know. I live 40 miles north of Memphis 20 miles East of the river and i go the same way you do. I 69 would be about 60 miles out of the way. I am waiting on a phone call from Roy maybe i can get in to.
  20. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    I 69

    I 69 exits off I 55 12 miles south of Memphis. It exits onto Hwy 61 at the entrance to the Grand. Coming from Chicago on 55 you would be better off just getting on 61 at Memphis. 69 would be about 10 miles further not 60 as in the previous post. Coming from the East however 69 is quicker though not much closer. All the billboards in Tunica are advertising this as an open tournament. The Grand has a bad habit of getting different information to different people. According to the billboards and advertising in the casino, anyone with a Harrah's total rewards card can enter.

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