Great Offer

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    This Thursday night Henry Tamburin will be our guest.

    Henry has notifed Kenny and I that he will be offering these specials to any of our listeners and also be giving away all of these to a caller to the show

    Here is a list of what will be given away and offered to our listeners

    Here is the BJI Promo I will be telling your listeners about.
    Any Be in Action listener who purchases a one year BJI membership (only $19.95), which includes 12 emailed copies of newsletter plus access to all 300 blackjack articles and reports in our archives on www.bjinsider, will also get these sign-on bonuses and gifts worth over $80::

    Free copy of Barfarkel's e-book, You've Got Heat. Read about Barfarkel's adventures as a budding card counter in his profitable trips to Las Vegas. Now available as an e-book for viewing on your desktop computer. Normally $15... yours free!

    Free copy of Blackjack Mentor for Windows blackjack training software: Master blackjack strategy and maximize your win potential over the casino. Normally $15... yours free!

    Free copy of Best of Blackjack Insider e-book: 40 articles by 15 of our best BJI authors, all collected into one easy-to-read Adode Acrobat PDF file. Download available after purchase. Normally $19.95... yours free!

    Free 3-month Membership to Green Chip Forum: The Green Chip Forum at is the best paid private gaming forum on the Internet! You'll find no better online group of experts discussing blackjack. craps, poker and all advantage games. For all the details, click here. Normally $12.25... yours free!

    Free 3-month subscription to Casino Player Magazine, mailed right to your doorstep! That's three free issues to Casino Player, the #1 best selling magazine for gaming enthusiasts.

    Free 3-month on-line subscription to the Las Vegas Advisor: The Las Vegas Advisor is an amazing source of discounts, specials and latest information on all things Vegas! This completely free 3 month trial membership is normally $37 for one year. You'll save money every day through e-coupons and more.

    Note: The person who is the (Number TBD) caller will also get the above free gifts.

    Links to the show


    phone numbers to the show

    Toll Free




    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2007
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Joe, I just wanted to post a little “background information” about your guest for those, like myself, who were unfamiliar with Henry.

    From the plethora of information and books that he has published I’m sure it will be an interesting show. Since Henry seems to advocate a card counting BJ system are casino managers allowed to listen? :joker:

    Henry Tamburin has been one of America's most popular casino gaming writers for over a quarter of a century with over 600 published articles to his credit. He is a skilled blackjack player, author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money & Run, and featured in the instructional video Blackjack-Deal Me In.

    He has written many articles for casino city times which can be found here:

    In addition he is the author of numerous books including:

    Craps: Take The Money & Run
    Casino Gambling: The Best of The Best
    How to Win: Reference Guide to Casino Gambling
    The Ten Best Casino Bets
    109 Ways to Beat The Casino
    The Experts Guide To Casino Games and
    The Ultimate Blackjack Book, Basic strategies, money management and more
    Winning Baccarat Strategies

  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2007
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Sorry to hear that you wont be tuning in Barney especially someone like you who likes situations that presents a good value,as does this offer.So that you are not boycotting for the wrong reason the tape that was played was not a "Slip Up" it was just Kenny and I reporting the truth as opposed to the spin that was put on it.Tapes don't lie ;)

    We were attempting to finally get the story straight without a spin to it

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2007
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    You have a point here Joe, I will tune in in respect of Mr Tamburin. Since Im never far from your thoughts- when you think of me during the show ask Ken E where in the H E Dbl toothpicks my Play to Win book is Im owed from a deposit at bet21!? This is great news, with me tuning in your listenership will be up 25% tonight! ;)
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Actually Barney :joker: if you tune in tonight our listenership will go up 100% since today is Monday and our show is on Thursday night at 6 PM. But hey keep the radio close by you never know what you might hear.................

    Anyway thanks in advance for tuning in on Thursday.Call in and try to win this great offer

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2007
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    one night I tuned in to break my boycott and was an hour late 7 not 6. I did get an ear full of a Minute Man trying to insight riots LOL. Do you guys hang with him after your show? LOL

    RE: the tape recording of a private message played on your show, the voice it presented said nothing of significance and of no defining value of the person y'all back stabbed. The playing of the tape did break moral and ethical barriers tho. It defined the character of all involved in the betrayal via the action of playing the tape. You might think you got someone, it turns out you got yourself shot in the foot with a bunch of petty. Thats just my opinion.
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Barney here is a teaser for you,remember no aids in figuring this one out just your brain.

    We will use you example of increasing the audience by 25%

    If you walk into a room and by doing so you increase the crowd by 25% how many people were in the room before you entered?

    Now try this one

    A TV is being sold for $100 and the owner increases the price by 10% what is the new cost of the TV?

    Now the next day he decreases the price by 10% what will the price return to?

  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I finally found something to agree with you on Barney:laugh:

    Barney you "ROCK"

  10. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I have 3 kids, a wife, and myself! So you have a standard audience of 20!


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