Great to play on GET21

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by bjmace, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    If your non U.S GET21 is a great site to play on, I recently won The Valentine Grand Tour and Beat Off 300 players who qualified for the final in the Monte Carlo Prize tour to Win The Luxery Holiday to Monte Carlo, they have given me options of most dates and The VIP hosts there always
    are always helpful to ramked players, It's great to be sitting at no 1 slot in europe and GET21 makes it fun but could do with some more players, so have a look!
    GL ALL
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Congratulations on being Europes No. 1 TBJ player by winning the GET21 tournament. Is that the tourney that the ETBPA (European Tournament Blackjack Players Association) have officially sanctioned as the top ranking tournament on the continent? I must admit I'm pleased and amazed that GET21 managed to wrangle up 300 players for this event and maybe I'll go and revisit the site if the player pool has increased since I was last there. Of course they will have to have sorted out the "stalling for a wildcard" problem that has plagued that site.


  3. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Winner of GET21 Monte Carlo

    There was freeroll qualifying several times daily overalll severall months, The average qualifying game had 30-50 players, by the final there were 300 finalists(think 301 to be exact if i recall correctly)Final was Over over 4 rounds one player advancing from each table each round(rounds fixed at 10 rounds) was 1 or 2 wildcards each round althouh i actually got through everyround winnng table not on WC, Ranking has been given over all large tournaments this year not exclusivly on this one and changes bimonthly, They are also running a 2nd King of BJ Monte Carlo Tour after the sucess of this one. Site was busy upto a few weeks ago then they decided to reduce the amount of overlays they had in guranteed Tours, They had been having the biggest overlays i have seen on any tours upto then (usually the $1000 tour had around 30 people with a $12 entry if i recall correctly) this killed the scheduled tours for a couple of weeks but understand they are dropping them back slightly this week so hopefully will pick up again,
    Is a good site software bugs all seem fixed now also are going a 25% sign up bonus, withdrawel rights on this are much easier then other tour site, I actually achieved full withdrawel rights on bonus after one nights tour playing when i originaly signed.
    They have $5 freerolls throughout the day and also you get action points which enter you into free cash tours daily usually for amounts between $50(daily several times) and $250 (weekly i think)
    Thats my bit of promoting finished for the day anyway! Would be nice to get a few more players on the site
    Best wishes
  4. Archie

    Archie New Member

    What would be really nice...

    is European players on the site opening their piggy banks and registering for the super good real money tournaments running each day and getting zero, zilch, no entries watsoever. I stop registering when I was about the only one doing so, took my marbles and since spend most of my available time on Bet 21 where you can at least find a hard core base of players ready to compete and take advantage of the best tournaments (with or without overlays):rolleyes:
  5. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    I had a cash account before the UIGEA so I thought I could participate in the freerolls since they did not require cash to play or offer cash prizes.

    My attempt to login shows account locked. Sent a note to customer service but no response

    Daniel V, what's the story?
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    U.S. players are not welcome

    Daniel V. stated in another thread that U.S. players cannot participate, even in the freerolls.
    I questioned the freeroll part of that, but got no response.

    And just where did the BJMACE guy come from? Doesn't post (or even exist?) on our Forum until very recently, then suddenly pops up everywhere extolling the virtues of a website that won't let us play, even for free. Hmmmm.......
  7. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Winner of GET21 Monte Carlo

    Leftnut If you bothered to read my posts you would know who i am, I was the winner of the First Monte Carlo Tour and the Valentine amongst many others lol, As a lot of people who i recognise on this forum will confirm, I have been playing not just this site but most the other Major U.S/Euro sites and was in fact pointed to join this site By an Utimate Pro Friend. I Have been on the Casino and cruise tour circuits for a very long time but only went full time last year. As for recently joined, I joined the same month and year as you, just some of us don't have quite such big Mouths to have posted that often lol
    Just remember to always be wary of the quiet one's
    As for GET21 not accepting U.S players like most sites this is not there choice as you well know, I spend several months a year in the U.S for obvious reasons and fully sympahize with the crazy rules that a police state imposes on so called free Countries, thankfully this is one law your friends across the big pond here in the UK have avoided.
    GL To all
  8. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    We dont agree with the rules here in the US....but the fact of the matter is that this site is allowed to offer free rolls but simply refuses to do so.

    I played Golden Palace for the first few opening weeks and I enjoyed the game and did quite well...then they bailed too...but only for BJ...Poker was still ok....then that went away but resurfaced under two different names...currently Century Poker....but the BJ game never came back...

    Nothing personal ....but if they cant offer me a game I really dont care what or how they do.

    File a complaint with the free trade commission and operate away....or be cowards and slowly go out of business due to lack of paying customers....

    Open it up...I will fund my account and I will play....

    I gamble on the internet every day! And I live in the heart of USA!
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    BJMACE, my intention was not to insult you, it's just that I hadn't noticed any postings from you until your vigorous defense of Get21's puzzling policy of denying U.S. players access to their freerolls. So, please accept my apologies if you took offense.

    However, I still stand by my statements about that short-sighted policy. It simply makes no sense at all. To my understanding, the UIGEA is aimed at the account funding firms, not the gaming websites themselves. Be that as it may, freerolls do not involve real money at all, so banning U.S. players from those is almost laughable.
  10. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Not really. Clearly casinos run freerolls to attract players who they hope will then play for real money. By that cold-hearted business logic there is no reason to allow U.S. players.

    However, I do think it would make sense to allow U.S. players, taking the long-term view that one day the law will change, and it would be wise to have built up some goodwill.

    But a short-term view might be that increasing the size of the player pool in this way would only serve to make the freeroll less attractive (by virtue of the reduced odds of winning) to those who the casino is currently hoping to hook.
  11. marichal

    marichal Member

    hey colin;

    is all this internet gaming problem, "brewed" up by you brits, because we dumped a little "tea" in a harbor?
    anyway, miss chatting and playing against yourself on the "good old days" of global.
    take care.
  12. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Damned Colonials

    Can't even spell 'harbour' correctly. :D

    I miss the good old days too. Glad that we can all still occasionally bump into one another at UB/Bet21, plus of course we have this forum.

    In reference to both the current internet gaming problems and the earlier trouble in Boston, my response to both would have to be "You started it!". :D
  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I don't know where you got that idea. We've discussed the law many times here. It quite clearly makes the act of a gaming site accepting funds from the US a crime. Perhaps you were confusing the site and the player. The new law does NOT criminalize the actions of the player.
  14. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    sorry Leftnut

    Sorry leftnut if i have have jumped to the wrong conclusion, I read your first post about me to imply that i worked for GET21 which i do not, I do not agree or disagree with their ban U.S policy, I wish U.S players were allowed on the site as with a combination of them doing this and overlays dropping as has been pointed out site is almost dead lately and prior months i had been reguarly earning good money playing multi and single tours, My first post was not supporting their actions, i simply read the post by Mr Valentine of GET21 about the Monte Carlo tour and thought i would post a comment as the winner of this to try and push the site a bit. Of course i can symphise with any site owner who does drop U.S custom as with Neteller who really wants to play with the FBI!
  15. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    We are just mad because we cant play and you are rubbing our nose in it!

    Reality is I dont blame them for not offering us the free rolls ...

    Free rolls are designed to attract (addict) real money players and since that cant legally happen right now...well

    They do offer me a free no money game I think??? Ya like Im gonna play that.

    So no good will from me.....these sites need to oppose this legislation ....if they choose to be bullied and run away and hide with out at least filing a complaint about trade etc then what can I do ?

    US probably has more bad laws on the books than good and useful laws...complacency allows them to remain....moronic politicians actually think they get paid to create more laws...

    In PA its actually illegal for a car dealership to sell a car on Sunday...nice quaint law but people are still roaming the car lots looking on Sunday when most actually have a day they have to come back another day to make a deal....

    Any gambling is a tough sell.....this law isnt going to go away easily, taxes, bribes (errr I mean political contributions) all will help this law die and be buryied. Who is pushing for that though? Us few players???

    Im not hearing enough noise anywhere....
  16. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    I write articles for Get21. I'm glad to hear some good feedback about their site. That's good news.
  17. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    AS far as a site....

    Dave I played Golden Palace which was a mirror site of Get 21...before they closed it to US players...

    That format and the games they offered and the marketing were great even in startup.... yes there were a few bugs but nothing major.

    And then just as things were really taking off....BANG!!!!!!!!!! USA players were shut off from the game.

    I really enjoyed the games there....the tournaments were great and in between I really enjoyed the speed games. The tab system was easy to navagate and user friendly

    This entire program is well designed and you can tell that some very experienced players were in on the dsesign....just too many good ideas there.

    I played that site hard for a few weeks then the rug was ripped from under my addicition....Im still going thru withdrawl...

    If internet gaming evere opens back up in USA this system will certainly be a leader as a very good gaming experience. Fun, fun , fun....

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