Ground Zero

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Jim P., Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member

    Just wanted to pass these links to those of you requesting info regarding damage from Katrina to the BLXI/GPT area. I was able to use these photos to see if our houses were still on the foundations when I evacuated to Fla.. I live in Biloxi and we are still under a curfew. The rescue efforts are coming to an end. We are trying to focus on logistics and infrastructure. My family is intact although one property was wiped out. Thirty feet of water wiped out our coastline and our lives will never be the same. Every day it gets a little better though and a lot of people have come to help us which is trully inspiring.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks for checking in, Jim. I'm very glad to hear everyone is OK, but sorry about your property loss. Hope to see you soon.
  3. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member


    Hope all is OK on your side Ken.....I will be aiming for the Grand Tunica tournament. Looking forward to a diversion from this. My ears are ringing w/ the chain saw buzz. Sure puts things into perspective; what a gut-check.

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