Gsn Request

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by fgk42, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey gang,

    After hearing the Be in Action show last night I had a wonderful idea:

    Lets see about getting JoeP the color commentary job for the 2007 season.

    Thoughts, suggestions????

    To the executives at GSN,

    Dear sirs/madams,

    I would respectfully request that you consider making a new addition to the World Series of Blackjack (WSOB) play by play booth. While the commentary this past season was acceptable I feel that it is possible to take it to the “next level”.

    This could be done with colorful insights into the game from a seasoned BJ professional, a person who is ranked in the top 10 in the BJ tournament world. I would like to see some gutsy play by play smack talking at times commentary.

    To this end I hereby nominate Joe Pane to co-host the 2007 WSOB.

    I feel that he has the knowledge and voice to do a great job. In addition Joe has the PERFECT look for radio too!


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