GSN responds to the UBT lawsuit

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    GSN has issued a short statement in response to the recently filed lawsuit from Ultimate Blackjack Tour.

    GSN's statement:
    (Santa Monica, CAFriday, August 11, 2006) – “This lawsuit is completely baseless and without merit, and we will be vindicated in court.”

    Here's a brief mention in the press:

    Administrator note: I'm moving this post and the original link to the UBT suit press release into Announcements, since it doesn't fit squarely under either UBT or WSOB forums.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Come on now what did you expect them to say? Imagine if they HAD to say the truth like Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar,

    "Well of course we used some of their ideas - but not ALL of them. I mean ok so we promised UBT that we'd keep our mouth shut ...but we didn't say how long. Besides it adds a little spice to the show. I mean we did change the names of some of their ideas. I mean we call it the BK chip - now THAT was our idea - even if they did mention it first.

    Oh come on now what's all this hype about anyway? I mean who watches GSN anyway? Tell UBT to stop being so sensitive and leave us alone! We've got bigger problems like dealing with this crazy British guy. He keeps e-mailing us his bio and pleading to be on the show for next season. Says he's all tanned and wants to wear glow in the dark pink speedo's saying it will help ratings! Hey let UBT deal with THAT". :laugh:

    DISCLAIMER: The above conversation never actually took place. It is the ranting and ravings of a bored BJ player with too much time on his hands. It is intended for purely comical relief. No one can use this without written or verbal permission - like they would ever want to. The editor of this site, his employees and others have no affiliation with the deranged individual writing this.

    Just in case any of the UBT or GSN lawyers are surfing by! :joker:

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