Gut vs. Strategy (plus lots of newbie questions)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by hadyuke, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. hadyuke

    hadyuke New Member

    Hey Now...

    First off, thanks to Ken and everyone else for the great input on this board!

    I'm going to be playing the Vegoose/Stubhub! Charity Tourney next weekend and I'm kinda torn.

    1) It's for some really good charities, so now matter what happens, PEOPLE will win and I know I will have a good time. So part of me feels like "Don't bother doing any research, just go and have fun, what happens, happens"

    That being said... LOL

    2) My competitive/anal side says "Do your research, know what you're getting into and know WTF you're doing!"


    Any advice?

    Does anyone know what the House Rules are for Blackjack at the MGM Grand or where I can find them?

    I've posted the rules that they've sent me on the Tourney thread (didn't want to cross-post). There's nothing in there about number of decks or if the dealer will hit on a soft 17, or split/double down rules. I'm guessing that's all in the MGM Grand rules, so I don't know how to set up a simulator.

    Any advice would be welcome, otherwise, I'll just play by my gut instinct and have fun.

    ~ hayduke:joker:
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Learn Strategy

    Since you are new to BJ tournaments and little time before your first tournament, my advice is to concentrate on learning tournament strategy and not worry too much about house rules at this time. Keep in mind that you are competing against other players, not the house, and ending up with more chips than your opponent(s) is the main objective.

    I suggest you get a copy of Stanford Wong's book CASINO TOURNAMENT STRATEGY and study it intensely with the limited time you have. The book can be ordered from this web site - see BOOKS AND SOFTWARE. This will be much more productive for you than running simulations.

    As a side note, it would be better to post tournament events on the CALENDAR on this site. Makes it easier for members to find an event. Events posted on the FORUM tend to get lost in the shuffle.

    GOOD LUCK in you first tournament. There is such a thing as beginner's luck when playing tournaments - you may surprise yourself. :D
  3. Flat Eric

    Flat Eric New Member

    Listen to toolman

    I second everything toolman says. He's a very clever man if a little cruel.

    Thank you
    F. Eric
  4. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    MGM rules

    If it helps you, std. MGM Grand LV rules I would think would be at the moment 6 deck (although they could use 8), most likely H17 (although they may try and make themselves look good and use S17 for the tourney), DS (double down after splitting), RSA (resplit aces), LS (late surrender). Keep in mind they may use a CSM for a tourney as well. I also agree with everything Toolman said--betting strategy will be more important then knowing basic strategy in the end...

    Hope this may help assuage concerns of getting a reply from a puppet, BTW.

    ...and Hey! Flat! Missed you man! Haven't seen your face around these parts for so long!

    Good cards-Sabrejack
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2006

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