gutsy opponent Dbld on 17

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by mica, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. mica

    mica New Member

    I played in a tourney last night. the stakes were higher than usual fir this beginner. prob considered small potatoes to the pros here...but driving 3 hours and paying $100 to enter was a big step up for me. I got first at my table in round one...but lost big time in the semi finals. on the last hand I made a minimal bet...hoping that two players would lose the hand. in the end I got crummy cards and would have lost even if I'd bet bigger...the real
    story here is about an opponent. the lady was third going into the hand. she bet half her has a face up...lady has 17...I was more than a little surprised that she DOUBLED on the hard 17. to everyone's surprise...she got a 4! that was the end if the night for me..

  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Get used to it because it's VERY commonplace in "funny money" events and not that uncommon in "live money" events if that's your only way of advancing.

    Billy C
  3. mica

    mica New Member

    I have so much to learn

    Thx for response! I learned a lot from the other players at last night tourney. The education was worth mote than the price of the entry fee and gas!

  4. frebay

    frebay New Member

    a few years ago, i bet half my BR and got an 18. I knew there was no way I would win so I doubled and got a 3. :)

    Last week I had the smallest BR going to into the final hand and was first to act. Had a 14, doubled and got a 7.

    it happens.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    If you're facing a nasty double, but you're mathematically guaranteed to lose if you don't, then you double and pray. Even if the double makes you less than 10% (or worse) to advance, that's better than 0%.

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