Happy Holidays!!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by dreamer, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    May this Special Season and coming New Year bring you and yours all that you desire in continued good health, contentment, peace of mind, happiness and financial prosperity!

    Perhaps we can all "individually" establish a new tradition and try to do something special during this season for someone less fortunate, in order to really make a difference! It's by "giving" and "serving" that our lives take on more meaning, providing the long-term fulfillment that we all yearn for throughout our lives...

    One family from our Community, LeftNut and Debbie, decided to spread a little love by taking on the challenge of feeding at least "21" hungry sailors on Christmas day! These are sailors who are by themselves, away from home and not able to be with those who are special in their lives for whatever reason. Perhaps some of them have no family.

    The challenge is even greater for Debbie, since she's making/providing this meal for them not out of her home, but away from the comfort of her kitchen, in an extended stay hotel room in San Diego for her son and his hungry friends. Wow!! Let's not forget the tons of home made chocolate chip cookies provided by LeftNut. My hat is off to the two of you!That's what this "Season" is all about; service to others!!

    Finally. I hope that all of you enjoy listening to the song I've provided through the link below. Just click on the link, click on play and let it rip. Make sure that the volume on your speakers is turned up as you enjoy...

    Santa and his Reindeer can really belt out a Christmas tune from the Drifters of 1954.


    "Happy Holidays" all...

    Skip Samad
    :angel: :cheers: :angel:
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Deb has won the "EBJ LAV Grudge Match" and a card wasnt even thrown.

    Thanks Deb and you too Nut!
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thanks from both of us, guys, especially from Deb. She didn't take on this task to get public pats on the back, which is why we didn't say anything about it.

    It started out with her promise to her son to make him a real home-cooked Christmas dinner before he ships out to world regions undisclosed. Then he had a friend who was going to be alone over the holiday - then another, and another. Since she had made an offer and a promise, backing out was never an option and she's actually looking forward to helping some young men and women enjoy a bit of home-cooked holiday cheer before they depart to serve our country. I was unable to accompany her due to family obligations of my own, but spent 3 days making a rather enormous batch of my locally popular cookies for her to take to those Sailors.

    We did get a huge kick out of Barney's comment re: the canceled grudge match! :laugh:
  4. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Not Surprised

    I'm not at all surprised by the gesture made by Deb and LeftNut. They are GOOD people!

    Thanks to Ken Smith for providing this sounding board. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to him and his family and all BJT members.

    Billy C
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2007
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Best Christmas wishes to all of you here, from me, Jan, and Matthew. May 2008 bring all of you good fortune and good times!

  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    It’s Christmas Day

    The good thing about the time zone difference is that a few of us on here can be in first with our best wishes to the BJT members.

    Merry Christmas everyone and have a happy New Year.

    Andy and family :)
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Happy Holidays, everyone!

    Wishing all of our BJT friends the very best on this Christmas day from myself, Deb, and the "singing beagle" Cosmo.
    May all of your dreams come true in the upcoming New Year, too! :band:
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Merry Christmas Everyone
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Happy Holidays

    Happy New Year
    to all.
  10. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    leftnut and deb

    I Am Sure You Had A Great Holiday With The Sailors I Believe That They Will Remember For Life-it Take Really Good People No Great People To Do What You All Did(salute):d :d
  11. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Satisfied Sailors...

    I'm anxious to talk with Debbie and Brian later today to hear how everything went with her little "mission" in California with her son and his many brothers in arms...

    Hope that some of those Chocolate Chip cookies from LeftNut are "left over" so that I can sample a few. Probably NOT knowing their appetite. I speak from experience as a former Marine Officer having served on various ships with some very hungry sailors.

    Semper Fi guys, and again "well done".

    Skipper :cheers:
  12. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    Happy Holidays to All

    I just want to take a quick moment to say thank you to all for your warm wishes.

    As for the dinner it went over great. We had about 15 young people come and join us for a wonderful meal of Turkey and Ham with all the trimmings, and belive it or not even left overs LOL so they will be enjoying it today in the "shop" with those for what ever reason could not make it.

    As Skip has said this is the season for giving and I would like to ask each and everyone if you can not give something to one of your great young men and women serving our country, then do the next best thing (I think we all know someone for this) extend your hand in freindship to the families of these young men and women and say thank you for raising such a wonderfull person.

    I would like to do that to Skip and his family as he has said he has served his time and I thank you so much for that, you are a wonderful person.

    Bless everyone for a Happy New Year.

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