Hard Rock Busted

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by instagator, May 25, 2010.

  1. instagator

    instagator New Member

    On May 24 Hollywood, FL Hard Rock got busted for cheating at blackjack. I'm trying to find out the details. Up to now there have only been suspicions. More to follow....
  2. chash11

    chash11 New Member

    When you get more info please follow up and let us know, Thanks
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Bad press

    WOW, if they can prove they cheated it will kill their reputation. With HARD ROCK brand expanding this would be a big trouble for them. I know they took over the Cherokee Casino in Tulsa, OK and another in New Mexico, besides the Vegas, Biloxi, and Florida locations.
  4. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Hard Rock BJ Bust

    So far I've contacted the newspapers, FL Attorney General's office, Broward County Sheriff's office, and Seminole Police. I get the feeling I'm talking to Sgt. Schultz, " I know nuthing". I did find covictions of skimming by their operating company. They would pay a $25K jackpot and report it as $50K. Still digging...
    chash11 likes this.
  5. chash11

    chash11 New Member

    Thanks INSTAGOTOR I'm sure hard rock mngt. has set into motion a plan to slip this news under the carpet.Appreciate your detective like work. Wishing you the best as you further DIG DIG.

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