Harrahs Millionaire Maker Finals at Caesers

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by chipsmccoy, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Just a short note to all to let those of you with an interest know that I did not win the Harrahs Millionaire Maker Finals at Caesars. I advanced the first day to play in the second day of sessions, but could not advance further. I was in there and had a shot at the last hand of the session I did not advance from, but the cards fell my competition’s way and not mine – I wouldn’t have played the hand any different. I am not aware of any other BJT members that advanced to the finals either.

    Joyce was with me and we had a good time otherwise (she left this morning and I stay about another week for 4 more tournaments). The tournament here was very well run, organized and there was a tremendous amount of “team spirit” and “sibling rivalry” between the sister HET properties. It was run like a Caesars event , not a typical HET one - from the initial arrangements, reception, banquet and through the tournament finals. As expected, there were many more "gamblers" than tournament players.

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    chips, I'm sorry to hear you didn't finish in the money. Thanks for the update.
  3. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member


    But hey! - I did recieve some prize money at Lake Tahoe when I qualified - actually equal to 5th place at the finals table. But more importantly, I proudly wore the BJT.COM hat and shirt. It was actually recognized by one of the dealers btw and a number of others asked about it. I also forgot to mention that Jimmy Wike made the opening comments at the registration reception. Once again, a class tournament all the way.

  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Hats and tshirts? bjt.com

    I asked this yesterdy. How do I get these? I dont see them at bayview order page.

  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    They're coming soon in the store. I just need to do the appropriate photography so I can add them to the store.
  6. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    Cap And Shirt

    Did Not Know That There Was An Aninmal Of That Species-where Do I Get Them(cap & Shirt)
    Chips Sorry You Did Not Advance But You May Well Do Well In The Other Four Tournys:d
    Good Luck To You:d
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2006
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Not only did I not know that you do caps and T shirts I also didn't know that you had a shop!! Where is it? Am I blind?



    Ps. Sorry about your loss Chips :sad:
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    OK Ken,

    Best get those hats and shirts printed BEFORE aruba. They might look good on the camera's. According to Joep some sites will be rewarding people to "advertise" their products - see prior posts of Joep.

    With all the hard work and effort you put into this site I'd be proud to wear them gratis when at the final table. (positive thinking)

    Chips - thanks for the update - sorry that we didn't have another forum member to cheer for the final table appearance however I hope things do well for you the remainder of the week.
  10. noman

    noman Top Member



    There's many of us would be proud to wear a BJT hat and or shirt. Hom ever, UBT will be charging sponsorship fees. Since Yoda receives no fees for his enlightenment, he'd be charged for what word of mouth, (over 5,000) has accomplished

    I'd guess better that he just win the whole damn thing and stamp a giant period

    And by the by. You didn't jump off a mountain at 42,000, did you?
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    Ceasar's Mil Maker:


    Sounds like the stamp of Jimmy Wike!
  12. Different View of HET Millionaire Maker BJ Trny

    I thought the millionaire maker bj tournament was very poorly run. But, maybe I just have high standards. Here is a list of some of the problems I had with the tournament.

    1) The chipset was very stylish with various shades of light brown and gray, mostly. Unfortunately, that meant that it was much harder than necessary to distinguish between denominations.

    2) I didn't like the way in which the wild card drawings were held. Slips of paper with player names on them were put in a clear plexiglass drum by the people running the tournament. This meant that a player had no assurance that his slip was in the drum, and it meant that the person doing the drawing was able to actually see which slip they were drawing. I'm not suggesting that anything unfair actually occurred, but there have been casino drawings in the past that were rigged, and this one could easily have been.

    3) While it was nice to have a detailed three page set of printed rules, the actual rules didn't deal with all of the important stuff. They never mentioned the fact that surrender existed (although I suppose this could be inferred from the fact that surrender exists in the shoe games at Caesars Palace).
    The rules also didn't really address what would happen in the event of dealer
    mistakes. Reading the rules left one with the impression that the tournament director really had the authority to decide whatever he wanted anyways, so the actual rules were somewhat moot. The rule about a player having 10 seconds to make decisions also struck me as absurd. It never came up at my table, and I don't know if it was a problem elsewhere.

    4) The dealers did not seem adequately prepared. At my 18 hand table, the following mistakes occurred:

    a) Max bet not enforced (corrected by me before hand was dealt);
    b) Rule regarding bet could not be changed after it was made was not enforced (this happened twice, but neither time did it seem important to me,
    so I didn't squawk about it)
    c) Rule requiring bet to be a multiple of $100 was not enforced (again corrected by me)
    d) Dealer tried to overpay player who doubled for less as if he had a full double down (corrected by me)
    e) Dealer neglected to deal player a double down card (I missed this one,
    and it wasn't discovered until the dealer had busted.) The tournament director ruling was that the hand stood as is since the player didn't even need his hit card to win. I thought that they had previously announced that in the event of a misdeal, the hand would be nullified, so I'm not sure that this was a correct decision.
    f) A player did ask for a hit with a four card hard 17. I don't believe that the dealer had announced the player's total. In a normal casino game, one would expect that the dealer would say something like, "Are you sure you want to hit your hard 17?" What is appropriate in a tournament is of course another question. By the way, this wasn't on the last hand, and there was no particular reason why a player might want to hit a hard 17 in this case
    (unless of course they knew that the next card to come would be a 4, which is what actually happened).

    5) All in all, I never got the impression that Harrah's was treating this tournament as anything serious. Symptomatic of that was a cocktail waitress approaching me as it was my turn to bet on the last hand, and asking me if I wanted a drink. Combining this interruption with the 10 second rule could have lead to a very absurd situation. I think Harrah's did get what they wanted. From what I heard, 5 of the 6 players at the final table were wild card winners. I also heard that a player doubled down on a bj on the first hand of the final round.

    6) I didn't notice any mistakes during the countdown at my table, but I
    heard of some at other tables.
  13. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Another Perspective of the Caesar's MM Tourney

    From our view, the MM Tournament and events were well done.

    Unfortunately, husband Frank did not make it past the 1st round. Hands 14 thru 18 were disasterous :sad: !!

    Room, banquet, reception and amenities were outstanding.

    a. No major dealer mistakes at F's table altho dealer explained (and coached) a player re: surrender.
    b. Didn't like it that guests couldn't be closer to the action.
    c. Agree with wild card drawing names from plexiglass drum from which it was easy to read names on the paper slips.....in fact, we were close enough to notice the girl pulling particular names during prize drawings.....(many came from Vegas properties). Also heard that one name was drawn for both the semi and quarter final rounds......what are the odds??

    All in all...a good time was had and it was a pleasure meeting other BJT members.

    BTW.......the "Disciple Cap" was worn at Caesar's and at other casinos....several asked about your site, Ken.....and we obliged and gave more info. :)
  14. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Big odds

    Happened to swog at the Stardust earlier this year.
  15. Just a note to add my agreement with Chips that this entire event was top shelf all the way. There is very little I can imagine that they could have done to enhance the experience. Well, except for dealing me something other than a hard 17 on that last deciding hand of my non-advancing round.:p

    It was a pleasure to meet Chips, Counselor Lee & hubby Frank, as well as Lucky One. The Tunica bunch developed some genuine camraderie at our dinner the night before we flew to LV. That made it fun to root for the others even when you weren't playing. The open bar :joker: in the tournament room had nothing to do with us hanging out to watch the others.

    I encourage you to go for a spot in this event next year. You will have a ball even if your cards are less than ideal.

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