Harrah's New Orleans 9/14/07

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    HELP! I need somebody. HELP! Not just anybody. Pleeeease help me ....

    A posting today on the CALENDER that Harrah's New Orleans is having a $250,000 BJT 9/14/07 caught my eye. I'm seriously considering this event but I've never been there so I have a few questions/requests:

    1) What kind of transportation is available to and from NEW ORLEANS LAKEFRONT AIRPORT? Cabs, shuttles, etc. and costs if known.

    2) Any information on the casino itself would be appreciated.

    3) Any additional information, not covered in the CALENDER post, about the tournament would also be appreciated.
  2. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Het Nola

    As you may have noticed Toolman. I made the post and have pretty much posted all the info on the invitaion that I had just recieved. I am considering changing some plans/flights and participating, but have not decided yet. I will be in NOLA on 13 SEP on "other business".

    HET provides a limo sevice from MSY with an appropriate tier level. There are also "Blue shuttle vans" as well as taxis - been a while since I took one, but 15-20$ comes to mind, but that was pre-Katrina. My wife and I have walked the area from the casino along the riverfront to Jackson Square and back through the French Quarter with absolutely no concern for our safety - depite what the media would like us to believe. NOLA realizes where their income comes from and although other areas are to be viewed with caution, this area is most secure. Harrahs now has a very nice hotel adjacent to the casino too.

    Cosmetically, it is one of HET's nicest as it in relatively new and the staff is an outstanding example of Southern charm. They have a "Diamond Lounge" called the Palm Room and have partnered with a number of close restaurants to be able to use your HET RCS to pay for things. Of course going to their link on the "Casino Locator" sectin of harrahs.com will give you a nice overview. From a gaming standpoint, there is not much direct competition and the quality of games reflect that.

    Hope this helps

  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I updated this listing today, adding the certainty that it is invitational. Some other players have had difficulties getting in. It looks like a nice event, so good luck.
    As Chips says, the new hotel at the property is very nice, and there are a number of excellent restaurants available via Total Rewards.

    I'm no help on transportation issues, since I'm always driving there.
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    KenSmith and chipsmccoy,

    Thanks for the feedback. I pretty much got the info I was looking for from your posts.

    I just got done calling them and it is an invitational. Talked to VIP Services and was told that without an invitation I needed to talk to the "National Casino Marketing Department" that was "upstairs" to see if I had sufficient recorded play and if so to find out what the buy-in would be. So I was transferred and naturally got a recorded message to leave a message. Left a message so I'll have to wait 'til tomorrow to see what happens. Is this drama or what?

    Now here is what I don't understand. The name "VIP Services" implies service to VIP's not normally available to other players. So why couldn't they have the information to determine if I could register? Don't answer that. It seems that "VIP Services" is nothing more that a phone jockey accepting reservations if you have an "offer code". So why don't they call it something more appropriate like "If you have an offer code then call one of our PHONE JOCKEYS at ..." or "Don't ask our PHONE JOCKEYS nothin if you don't have a offer code" or "If you have a offer code then one of our PHONE JOCKEYS can register you". :laugh: . I'm just venting my frustration with dealing with casinos in general. I get this crap from most every casino I call :flame: . And it's not just Harrah's properties. Lack of good customer service combined with poor training seems to prevail throughout the industry.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2007
  5. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    VIP vs. Phone Jockeys


    I feel your frustration but VIP services is only a phone number with a shorter wait on hold but cherish it don't condemn it, at least domestic casino's don't outsource the job to foreign countries as internet tech assistance has done. We can actually understand what we're being told, well I can being born in the south, you Yankees may still have a problem.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    OK, here's the story. There is no story.

    Spent about 1 1/2 hours on the phone, called 4 different numbers, talked to 1/2 dozen different people and the bottom line: CANNOT GET IN WITHOUT AN INVITATION.

    And that statement was in terms that even a Yankee can understand, no southern dialect translation required. No means No, period.

    Anyway, if you go to this event, chipsmccoy, GOOD CARDS to you. I"ll be there in spirit rooting for you. ;)
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2007
  7. Chips, how long ago did you get your invite? I haven't checked my PO box since last Saturday.
  8. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Thanks and Hard to tell

    Toolman - appreciate the well wishes! Will advise my decision.

    BJRT - I recently moved and mail is being forwarded - I get it 1-3 weeks later due to that and travel logistics. At least a week ago, but could be more.

  9. Thanks Chips. I checked my po box last night and all it had from Harrah's NO was the usual monthly rooms/free play offer for Sept. I am gonna e-mail my host down there anyway but am already resigned to the fact that it is probably a lost cause.

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