Harrahs Tunica BJT

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by instagator, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. instagator

    instagator New Member

    What happens to out of work car salesmen? They make them tournament directors.
    280 entrants in Tunica. Two accumulation rounds, top 42 advance to the semis. Each of the 6 semi final tables has a computer generated seat assignment. I'm assigned table 3, seat 6 by the computer. Just before the game is about to start the director comes up with a hand written seat assignment sheet for table 4 moving me to seat 6 there. Reason was because there were 43 names in the computer (one was a duplicate). I said, "what do I have to do with that?" The obvious remedy would have been to put #43 in one of the duplicate player's seats. I was told it had something to do with the ranking. So I begrudgingly moved, uttering a few Dan DuPont-like explicitives. When the dealers started to deal, I noticed that my seat at table 3 and the one next to it were vacant. I told them there were 7 at our table and 5 at the table 3, I was originally drawn to table 3 by the computer, put me back. NO !!!! Those were no shows and something about the Mississippi Gaming Commission Gudelines. So I played where I was, finishing 2nd and winding up #7 overall which is important here because all the semi finalsts don't get $1000, only the top 25 (which is nuts). I now do a redirect with the tournament director. The reason I was moved he said was because the table positions were determined by your chip count after the first two rounds. I said if that was the case then everyone ranked lower than me should also have had to move. At that point it was like trying to argue with an 800 lb. gorilla, it gets you nowhere and pisses off the monkey. To make the Gong Show even funnier, there was a tie for 25 place, so there was a huge tie breaker for the 13 players that tapped out. Oh Yeah, top 3 got paid cash, 4th thru 7th were paid in table chips. AND all entrants received a bag of commerative chips worth $700, but $0 on Ebay. Hopefully the kinks will be worked out by their next tourney.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Not exactly right. The casino put a value of $2.50 on the commemorative chips. That value (times 280 players) was then considered part of the "$100,000" prize pool :eek: . Yep, it's true :laugh: .

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