HD.com rant

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hollywood, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    In the spirit of preserving the love here on bjt.com, i've posted a particularly harsh blog and poll over on my website concerning the online gaming ban. Feel free to let your darkest political obscenities run rampant over there, purge the impulse, and then return here reinvigorated and calm once again... ;)

  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Can I

    Can I report there what someone is attempting to do here ? ;) but in the spirit of preserving the "LOVE" and a time to unite I cant here ?

  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    For those who missed "The" Axed Thread I have posted portions of it over at www.HollywoodDave.com in his RANT section

    If you dare !!!!!

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2006
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    What's gotten into you lately?

    Did you used to pull the wings off of flys as a child?

    I bet you threw peanuts at the animals when you went to the zoo too didn't you? :p

    Let it go! UNITE
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    FGK 42 I was minding my own business yesterday. I didn't start . I was just going to finish it.

    I have always believed in "Lets Unite" there is strength in numbers.

    But on the same note I always believed in telling it right ..........

    Thanks Reachy for pointing that out to me what would we all do here without you keeping us in line from across the pond ?

  7. Warlock

    Warlock New Member

    let's keep it civil!


    We can have a discussion without it degenerating into an uncool and heavy smacking session. It gets nobody nowhere. Let's keep it non-personal and if we all try to take the high ground and wear the white hat we should be coool!!

    Incidentally I know of a magical place, it's like a big tent where we can just chill, they've got loads of bean bags, nice music, people dancing and freeforming, and a big, fat hubba bubba. Why don't you all come over, share the peace pipe?

    Far out man!

  8. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Do you have to approve comments?

    I dropped a little comment, but it didn't show up for some reason. Tried submitting twice.
  9. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    i don't approve comments (its all live & uncensored, baby!), but i did remove two comments earlier today that showed up as blanks... maybe you posted with html code that tagged your text as clear instead of black?

    Try again...

  10. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Firefox 2.0?

    Might have been an issue with the new version of Firefox.

    I'll try again once I gather my inspiration to go off again.

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