Heads Up Tournaments

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by greek007, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. greek007

    greek007 New Member

    No surrender. No secret bets. Bet all your chips on any hand.

    Strategy if last to act on last hand?? Just get to last hand and use huge positional advantage???

    If first on last hand play fast to get br1 going to last hand????

    Is this straegy to simple???

    What am I missing?

    Also do you favor if even going to last hand matching his wager or leave one more chip in your stack??

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Sounds like you have a handle on it

    If you're BR2 going first leave one unbet chip and bet the rest, or leave a rainbow stack unbet if you don't think your opponent can count chips. You're hoping your opponent carelessly goes all in, giving you the low. If you're BR2 going second hold back one more chip than your opponent, or go all in if he/she holds back more than your whole bankroll.

    If you're BR1 going first hold back one chip and bet the rest if your opponent is reckless/aggressive, or hold back more than their bankroll if your opponent is timid or a strong player. If you're BR1 going second hold back a chip more than your opponent and use the win both ways playing strategy.

    A common denominator here is the importance in no limit games of being BR1 on the last hand, regardless of position.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2007
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    My experience when playing in a tournament with no limit betting on the last hand gives me a different strategy. If it's the final table and I'm 1) in contention going into the last hand, 2) I'm 1st to bet and 3) the chip counts of my opponents who bet after me are such that I must make a large bet, then I'll just shove it all out - hold nothing back. The reason:

    If a seasoned player bets after me:
    He will keep a few chips to have the low anyway. If I keep a chip or 2, he will keep 2 or 3 chips.

    If a ploppy bets after me:
    As soon as he sees that I kept a chip a light goes on in his head (ploppies are not necessarily stupid, just uneducated in gaming) and most times he all of a sudden realizes that if the dealer busts everyone, then I will win because I have a chip. So he will hold back 2 chips and bet the rest. If I bet it all then the ploppy will most likely do the same and if the dealer busts the table at least I have a draw.

    If the betting order puts me 2nd or later to bet, then I'll hold back the minimum (assuming it's only a chip or 4) to have the low over the players that bet before me. The players after me will probably do the same but at least I'll have the low on the players before me and therefore end up in a higher position on the final table in case the dealer busts the table.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2007

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