heads up

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by george, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. george

    george Top Member

    gold strike guy says having head to head with dealer to see who can have the highest score ........whats the best way to play this ??????????
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It's just like any accumulation style event.
    Set your bankroll target using some of the tactics discussed in other threads here.
    There's also a chapter in one of my e-books about it, but I will also look to find some of the old threads here that talk about it.

    Once you have a target, your best way to reach the target is usually to make max bets starting on hand one until you reach your goal or bust out trying.
    george likes this.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Here are a few threads that discuss how to use the Wong formula to estimate a bankroll target:


    This event sounds like a play-once and shoot for top score event.
    Literally applying Wong's formula to shoot for first place will likely lead to an inflated number.
    It would be the starting bank times the square root of the number of players.

    Let's assume 300 players, and a starting bank of $25,000: The Wong target for first place is $433,000.
    If the max bet is $25k, you would have to win over 16 max bets to get there.
    I suspect that a target of $300,000 would be enough to win it.

    The real key here if you want to optimize your chances is get a late play round, and work hard watching early results.
    Then you can set your target more effectively.

    Do all of us a favor afterwards and let us know the bankroll, number of hands, and what it took to win it!
    george likes this.
  4. The_Professional

    The_Professional Active Member

    The calculation above assumes 1 person out of 300 will advance or get paid- is that correct?
    If more than one then, the bankroll does not have to be that big. for example if 10 get paid or advance then it would be bankroll multiplied by square root of 30 instead of 300.
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, that is correct.
    The reason I used the full 300 number is that I am assuming that there is no "advancing" in this event. Instead, everyone plays one time. Whoever has the largest score gets 1st place.

    In my experience, when it's a one-shot accumulation, the best value is usually had by trying to win it instead of just placing in the money.
    That may not always be true of course, especially if you have access to some scores during the event. If someone already has a very high score, it could easily make sense to stop short of that goal.
  6. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

  7. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    In tournament play, you are not going to get many opportunities where it is advantageous to play multiple spots.
  8. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    In a head-to-head accumulation event, such as the one being discussed, playing multiple spots can be a powerful tool for reaching your goal, since getting more money on the table increases variance.
  9. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    In this case not allowed.
  10. Rwl8418

    Rwl8418 Member

    The majority of our winners for these kinds of events all play basically the same. They bet low for the first couple hands trying to see if they can catch a roll, once they feel they can, they bet max. It is mostly all about luck, if you are catching 13's,14's all day long then you are not going to win. I can say the average winning hand in these tournaments, is around 65-70k. Playing small for a large percentage of the time is not wise to say the least. Most people bet big from the begging.
    Steve Phillips and george like this.
  11. george

    george Top Member

    thanks just call me mr lucky mr big bet a winner will play it's time 50,000 nov 8-9........also will play sams town
  12. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Are you playing both Sam's and GS, Mr. Lucky :)? What are playing times at GS? I will play Sam's, for the cash, but will go to GS if time allows.
  13. george

    george Top Member

    sign up fri nov 8 5pm-10pm play begins at 6pm ....sign up sat nov 9 9pm-12pm play begins at 10 ..... think I will try to win both don't think john will be there

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