Help me with this hand

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by darklord, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. darklord

    darklord New Member

    There are 4 players left on the final table including me. This is the last hand and here are the bets.

    Dealer's hand: Show an 8 - turn up an 8 and hit a 3 to 19.
    1st bettor: Unbet: 500 - Bet: 300 - hand: T4 and stand of stiff 14
    2nd bettor: Unbet: 520 - Bet: 80 - hand: T3 hits 7 makes T37 = 20
    3rd bettor: Has too little money and bet only 5, so he's no competition.
    4th bettor (me): Unbet: 525 - Bet: 200 - hand: T4 --> hit or stand???

    What actually happened was that I decided to stay on my 14 and the dealer turned up an 8 under, then she hits a 3 to make 19 wiping out 1st bettor's chip and my chip; thus made the 2nd bettor the first place winner while I came in second. I don't know if I should had hit according to basic strategy given this similar scenario again...

    1st question is: should I hit or should I stay with my T4 hand after seeing the 1st bettor stand on his stiff 14 and 2nd bettor hits to 20?

    2nd question: was my bet of 200 correct? if not, is there a better bet in this scenario that would give me a better percentage of making it to first place?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2005
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Not Enough Info

    Your choice to stand on your stiff just about locked you out unless the dealer made a 21 with a 8 up which will happen ony about a fraction less than 7 % of the time.So you should have hit your hand and try to make a hand of 19 or better which will give you the high if the dealer makes 17-18 which will happen about 49 % of the time with a 8 up and the low if the dealer makes 21. so your chance of advancing would be about 56 % of the time by hitting to a 19. You did not mention what the max bet was so there is no info as to if you could have bet more to have the pure high on bettor # 1.Thus giving up the pure low.
  3. darklord

    darklord New Member

    Thanks for the advice. The max bet was 500. Should I even double down?
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Once you made the bet that you did the double down would give up the low which you had by betting 200 and holding back 525.Once you have seen bettor 3 hit to 20 if you stand you only have a 7 % chance of winning if you were to double you give up the low and if you were to bust on your double down you no longer can win.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2005

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