
Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by bulldog7, May 13, 2007.

  1. bulldog7

    bulldog7 New Member

    Hi there - I'm fairly new to the game and in the online tournaments I've played, they've used UBT format & rules...........since I keep reading these rules are "unique", how do these tournaments differ from other BJ tournaments?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    multilevel elimination

    The main difference between UBT and traditional style TBJ is the multilevel elimination format. Most tournies will not eliminate players until the final hand unless they lose all their bankroll before then, whereas at UBT the low BR gets eliminated on hands 8, 16 and 25 as well as the final hand. Also, although not unique to UBT, secret bets are the exception rather than the rule, and in many B&M tournies surrender is not an option. If you wish to try the tradtional style online you can visit blackjack21 dot com, who are still accepting US players, or get21/goldenpalace and gameaccount who aren't.

    Hope this helps.


  3. bulldog7

    bulldog7 New Member

    Thanks for your reply

    what is a B&M tourney?

    Also for those experienced players - what do you prefer? UBT or traditional?
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    meatspace and the fence

    B&M stands for Brick and Mortar i.e. a proper real-world casino. As opposed to online virtual casinos.

    As to which format I prefer, well, almost all of my play has been online and I find enjoyment in both. I can't decide at the moment...


  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    My preference runs toward the traditional. Now, before all the UBT supporters jump all over me, let me just say I'm not anti UBT - the question is which do you prefer. There are 2 reasons for this:

    1) I hate the secret bet and/or secret action. In my opinion it turns the hand into a guessing game.

    2) I don't like the idea of being eliminated just because I'm low man at a predetermined point in the game. I know of no other game be it cards, table games, sports, etc. where you're eliminated just because you're in last place at some point before the game is over. The thrill of a "come back" is part of the excitement of most any game. As they say in poker: As long as I have a chip and a chair, I have a chance. So don't take my chair. Besides that, the "normal" play for someone in last place going into the elimination hand is to max bet - sounds like a crap shoot to me.

    That being said, I have no problem with the UBT existing. It's just one more deviation of Tournament Blackjack. A deviation that I can do without - just as many do not like "accumulation format" and they can do without.
  6. eliburk

    eliburk New Member

    I am kind of afraid to go to casino game because of the tracking of money !! I am just not quick enough. That is why I prefer on-line...elimination/secret bet format or not.

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