Here's another one

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by cherub44, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    This was a final hand elimination on Bet21.

    BR2 (on button) 34,000 uses secret bet
    BR1 40,500 no secret bet available
    BR3 33,500 has secret bet doesn't use it bets 16,500

    BR2 dealt BJ
    BR1 dealt 10
    BR3 dealt soft 15

    Dealer shows 10


    What should BR1 have bet? After the cards are dealt what should BR1 do? It's probably obvious I was BR1. I can say my take on the 2 players going into the hand was that they weren't wildcats and were fairly smart bettors.
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    2 advance?

    I wish you hadn't said what BR3 had bet because that is more information than you had when you had to bet and will inevitably affect the responses you get.

    A bet of $19000 would cover a max bet win by both BR1 and BR2, but you can't cover a max bet BJ. If BR2 splits his BR then $19500 will cover a $17000 BJ and (although we shouldn't know this) we know for sure we have at least 2nd low as well has defintely having the 1st high. If BR2 has bet just enough to beat a push by BR1 ($7000) or more then any of the above bets can be surrendered to retake the low if need be. On balance I would say that I would have bet $19500.

    As for your action, much more difficult. I'll look at the numbers later but in the heat of battle... ...I would hit! That way you force BR3 to double to take the high and therefore the low probability route (I think)


  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I'm answering this WITHOUT knowing that BR3 bet what they did.

    I would have bet 12,000 - why? Since BR2 is using a secret bet he is either going max or min. Since there is only a small difference between them it has been my experience that they tend to go to extremes. The other possibility that people do a LOT is bet 1/2 of their totals - in this case BR1 betting 17,000.

    if the play had been fairly conservative up to this point then I would have done 6,000. Either method gives me an out in case I should want to surrender.

    In the case of betting 12,000 then I just hit my cards and play out the hand. Had I bet 6,000 I would have doubled in order to force BR3 to double also

    Just my .02
  4. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    You are correct Reachy, I should not have told you what BR3 bet. Sorry. :sad:

    What actually happened was that I bet 6,000. Throughout most of the round both players had bet fairly conservative. I had a 10,000+ lead on them most of the round, and they never came after me. They were just competing with eachother. I had felt that BR2 would bet fairly low with his secret bet, as his biggest bet of the round (even on elimination hands) had been 7,500. I didn't take into account that they were as close as could be in BR size, which may (and did) alter their betting. Not to mention the dealer had been hot most of the round (2 BJ's in a row at one point) which knocked all others out. Our final hand was on hand 16.

    Anyway, I went the low road, which always seems to get me into trouble. I did double on my 10, BR3 doubled on his hand and the dealer busted. I still thought I had a good chance of advancing because BR2 would have needed to bet more than 12,000 to be ahead of me. I REALLY wasn't putting him on that big of a bet. Oh well. I guess I need to work on my player reading skills. :)
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Experts please!

    It would be great is a few of the Pro TBJ players said something about this hand because I think it's interesting, not so much the bet (although I would like to hear what they say about that) but what action to take. Come on guys, share some of your wisdom with us (please!)


  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Don't forget...

    ...that your bet in the open could have influenced BR3's bet. By taking the low you may have forced them to take the high or split their BR. If you'd have bet bigger they may have taken the low offered to them. Maybe they'd have fallen into a trap...?


  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Maybe this explains some things Reachy:
  8. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    fgk42 WOW

    3 or 4 films a day with the same theme is more than I can enjoy but when you post the identical film in 2 seperate spots on within 1 1/2 hours it's time for one of us to take a nap.
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Need 1,000


    Take it easy on the guy. He's trying to get to 1,000 posts by the end of the year. Then it's on to TXtourplayer. Then the ultimate, Ken Smith!!! :p

    PS: Reachy still has a comfortable lead over him, so not to worry.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2006
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Not even in my league. Next week I hit 1000, the week after that I staging a coup d'etat and I'm taking this place over! And then you're either with me or against me....


    His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Reachy, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, King of Scotland.

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