Hi De Ho:

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by noman, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. noman

    noman Top Member

    Just thought I'd say Hi, in my undetermined window of accessability, kindly granted by comcast. Never know when I'll get on or for how long I can stay. But, not so ironically, whenever I'm doin well in a tourney, I'm booted.

    And yes I've checked alternatives. But not available at this time. Or for dial ups, the plans are outrageous.

    Good Fortune to all.
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    silver lining

    ...well count your lucky stars you don't live in a part of the country where time warner bought out comcast & adelphia! now my cable modem is just as crappy & unreliable, but it takes even longer for the problems to be solved...

    i've been booted off my fair share of online poker tournaments, which can get pretty infuriating during the $200 and $500 events, only to receive an incompetent 'sorry' from my ISP. anyone out there found any reliable alternatives to this problem? i've been thinking about just setting up my service with the much more expensive business service...

  3. noman

    noman Top Member


    You'd think these folks went to casino management school.

    In home service techs blame the office and lack of servers. Home office blames subpar connections. Supervisors were to follow up three times. Never heard from or saw one. I too get "sorry" and we'll have to give you partial credit on your bill. Well I too have lost out in some high stakes poker deals. Plus the concern for UB "money" games. Ask Norm about how easy I made last night, by disappearing.
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Ask Norm about how easy I made last night, by disappearing.[/quote]

    I thought you just threw in the towel :laugh:

  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Last Night:

    Thanks Joe for turning a tradgedy into a laugh. lol lol. lol.
  6. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Business not a bad idea, but check wiring.

    A lot of it depends on where you live. With a lot of the older buildings, they used the lower gauge wiring when they set them up and the data signal doesn't dig it too much and cuts in and out. If you can replace old RG-59 cable with RG-6, that sometimes does the trick. Who knows if that's you problem or not though? Could just be a lame ISP.

    The business service (at least the one with Cox) does run a little more, but they give you a static IP and they at least address issues when you have outages ASAP instead of telling you you're SOL and to wait it out and call them back in two days.

    One last thing, which sounds like total BS but could have some legit-ness, is ground temperature. Because some of the OG installation work from back in the day was shotty, when the asphault heats up it expands and pinches some of the lines underground which is why you see more outages in the hotter weather.

    Good luck on it, dude. I know what it's like. Was playing the other night when I cut out at the final table of poker satellite and an all-in final elimination BJ hand. I started clicking everwhere like an idiot waiting for it to come back up and accidentally hit the 'hit' button when I had a 20 against a 6 right when the connectivity began again....I was less than thrilled.
  7. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    ISP Problems

    Ever since My ISP was taken over by another company I have had nothing but trouble with disconnections on the casino tournament sites.

    I have still not recovered from a Global Wednesday Tournament several weeks ago, when I was one on one with another player and only needed to place a few chips in the box to move up to the final table. I got disconnected, could not get back into the game on time and subsequently lost.

    Since that time I have limited myself to the sit and go tables where I still get booted off, but now just accept this as a risk about playing on the net. I have been on the waiting list for UB games, clicked to move on to the table, got disconnected and never played a hand only to see money deducted from my account. Look at how many players show as absent on UB games. Sometimes you can reconnect and sometimes you can’t.

    For the moment I am missing out on the tourney games but will not take the risk of paying out larger entry fees or trying to stay connected on to games lasting longer than an hour.

    Like Hollywood Dave, I would be willing to pay extra to secure my internet connection and change ISP’s but when you look into it you discover that it’s not that simple and there are no guarantees that it will work any better.


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