Hilton Las Vegas 250 k Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by sirklas, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. sirklas

    sirklas Member

    Hi to all,

    can somebody tell me, how I have to qualify for this tournament, which takes places in Sep. this year? If there are some qualif. tournaments, where do they take place. What is the entry? And how many people play there (app. average)?

    Best wishes, Sirklas :)
  2. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Welcome to the site.
    That particular event is an invitational event.
    To see if you can get an entry, call and ask your host at the Hilton.
    If you are looking for tournaments around that date, click on the Event Calendar at the top of this page and fill in the information on the left side.
    We will add events to the calendar all the time so check back often. More events will fill the page as the date approaches.
  3. sirklas

    sirklas Member

    I have never been to Vegas by now. I am from Germany. But I am interested in playing this big tournaments and I am searching for ways to take apart. So you can imagine, that I haven`t a host @ the Hilton Vegas. I heared, there is a monthly qualifying for the vegas tournament? Or did they change it?

    So, what can I do to be invited for this Tournament?

    Best wishes, Sirklas :)
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2006
  4. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    Hilton Tournaments

    Mr Sirlkas the monthly qualifiers for the Hilton ended when they abruptly ended the Million Dollar Tournament almost 2 years ago. The tournaments that are now held at the Hilton are mostly ones that require a large amount of play and a credit line of 15,000 or more or front money. The smaller ones are by invitation or a paid entry .Then there is one that requires you to receive a suited blackjack .Once you get this suited blackjack you receive a free entry into their tournament. I believe the prize money for that tournament will be 100,000 over all and 50,000 for first place .Sound like a good deal but chances are they will be over 1,000 people in that tournament making the EV for that to be at the most 100 dollars per player. You should get a suited blackjack once in 84 hands . Good luck !!


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