Hilton LV October $30k and $100k

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Sandy Eggo, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Hey gang,

    I've booked me "week" on the Hilton and will be living there by myself as Hubby can't take the time off this time. Besides the locals, anyone else planning on playing these?

    ~Sandy Eggo
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Doing half

    I'm playing the 100k event only (time limitations). Look forward to actually meeting you. Hope I can put a name with a face!

    Billy C
  3. Trouble

    Trouble Member

    Hilton 100K event

    I'm playing the 100K event also.

  4. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Well, well, well....looks like we should have a good contingency there. I say drinks or at least coffee must happen! I know I'm going to get bored at some point being there without my husband along...keeping me out of trouble. ;)

    I'll be driving in, so getting away from the Hilton is always an option as well.
  5. 10th1stace

    10th1stace New Member

    I'll be playing both tournaments as well and am staying at the Hilton. I'm looking forward to a fun week in Vegas :) See you all there!
  6. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    we'll be there too

    BJ Beauty and I will be there for the 100K - see you there.
  7. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Sounds like we need to definately have a group drink! I don't have the schedule for the start times for the 100k as I totally had a blonde moment last week. I'll call in on Monday and talk to a tournament person and see what I can find out so that I can find a time that makes sense.

  8. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Tournament registration will be Tuesday the 13th between 4 and 7 PM if as historical.
  9. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    OK, that's helpful for the second one, now I need the 30k's registration info!
  10. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    30K registration Saturday October 10th, 4 to 7 PM.
    rocknrolldarrell likes this.
  11. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Thanks, rookie. I figured it would be similar to the TableGames Series that I was doing earlier this year (and am registered for the Finale for as well).

    See you all on Saturday/Sunday! Or on Tuesday!
  12. rocknrolldarrell

    rocknrolldarrell New Member

    Rocknroll Darrell we'll be there

    I'll be there for 100k
  13. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Well, my count is two for the 30k and 7 for the 100k...

    so BJT could do something incredible and pull the Final Table on Friday. Wouldn't that be something! :D
  14. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Several more than that

    I know three (anonymous) BJTer's that are playing both and am guessing there are several others that haven't posted their intentions.
    I think the final table for 100k event is Thursday.

    Billy C
  15. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Cool! Well, to make it easier for anyone to find me....I'll be wearing a zebra print jacket most days as the ballroom gets quite chilly for me.

    Feel free to walk up and say "Hi Sandy" -- I'll probably double take and then respond with "The Forum?" LOL

    See ya'll there!!
  16. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Well the $30k is over...I didn't stay around for the final table to play out as I was starting to feel the fatigue from my Saturday all-nighter (drove Midnight to 5:30am in, checked in, played/ate, and then registered and played until my 3pm 1st round).

    My results were 2nd and advance from the First Round, and 1st/advance the Second Round. Third Round, I was starting to feel the pressure and over-bet early as well as misplayed a couple of hands. Was second to go out on the table. No Wild Cards for me.

    I did meet BHT(?), a new forum member, who earned a late entry in the $100k event and another member...I can remember her real name but not her ID right now.

    And if you were there/are coming, yes, I am wearing the zebra jacket (short sleeves) every day as I forgot to bring a sweater/wrap. I tend to run cold and the Hilton seems to love it's A/C this time of year. I'm also about 6'1" in heels -- the black boots are here as well. :cool:
  17. BHT963

    BHT963 New Member

    Nice meeting you today! Best of luck on Wednesday! :)
  18. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    And you, too. Depending on what happens -- maybe drinks/coffees after everything? There should be a good sized crowd of BJTers here. I think it would be fun! But as you could tell...I'm a bit of a party animal... ;-)
  19. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    sitting around in zebra print....

    I play in the 1:45 round, table K if anyone checks here before running over.
  20. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Not sure how many of us made it to Round II, but from comments made as I was introduced to many of the gang...I'd say we're at 90% or better. My next round is 12:30pm.

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