Hilton's BJT rules-surrender allowed

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by mica, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. mica

    mica New Member


    I will be playing in Hilton's July 5 BJT. I've looked at thier website....but don't find anything about surrender.

    Does anyone here know if surrender is allowed in this tourney?

    Any other tips for a newbie?

    This is much bigger than the little local tourney's I'm used to! Any help/advice will be much appreciated!

    I've ordered books...but they won't be here for a week or so....which won't give me a lot of time for studying.

    I tried calling the Hilton....but couldn't get an answer. The person I talked to said that surrender USED to offered at their BJ tables...but is NOT offered any longer. He did not know if the same was true for the tourney.

    I'm thinking that one or more of the pros here will be able to tell me.


  2. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Surrender is still allowed in the 100K BJ tournaments to my knowledge. The biggest tip is purchase the $100 Mulligan.

    The Mulligan is a one time purchase that can used once every session, it allows you to discard either of your first two cards or last hit card dealt which is then replaced by the next card in the deck.

    Drop by the Plaza cocktail lounge about 5pm and say hello, if you're lucky Billy C will also be there.
  3. mica

    mica New Member

    Thanks....only one mulligan?

    Thanks for tip...I've never played with a Mulligan before. I seriously doubt I will get past the rirst round....but just in case....I should know: Can I purchase and use one Mulligan per round....or only one for the entire tourney?

    Plaza lounge 5 p.m. on Tuesday? I'm flying in on the 4th? Assume others from out of town will be coming in the day before as well?

    Another question: I heard there is no re buy....are there wild cards or shoot outs or any way to get past one round if we aren't lucky/good enough to get first at the table in first round?

  4. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    The mulligan is a one time only purchase, you do not lose it when you use it but can only use it once each round. There are no rebuys but wildcards for each round, two thru the finals.

    Registration is 4 - 7pm the 5th so I wouldn't expect many partipants there a day early unless they're attempting to qualify for free entry and room with a suited blackjack.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Mica, the advice you've gotten here is spot-on, as one would expect from Rookie.

    Deb and I arrive at McCarran at 7 PM on Monday the 4th. It would be our honor to meet you,
    send me a PM with your email address and we can try to set something up.
    mica likes this.
  6. mica

    mica New Member

    How to pm?

    Would be happy to pm u...but don't know how? Maybe I haven't been a member long enough to have the privilege of pm'ing other members? I'm not only new to BJ, counting, and tourneys...,I'm new to forums and posting as well!

    So much to learn! Good thing I'm having fun along the way! Hope to hear from u and also to meet u in the 5th!

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2011
  7. mica

    mica New Member

    Alright....I figured out how to pm

    Would love to meet other members from
    This site.

    oping that this message giesdirectly to u...,if it ends up
    On the public area...,pls advise so I can edit or delete.

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2011
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Click on User CP near the top left of the page you are viewing right now.
    When that comes up, scroll down the left side and click on Edit Options.
    In the second blue box from the top (Messaging and Notification), make sure there's a checkmark for Enable Private Messaging.
  9. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Rookie typically drinks all of the Grand Marnier before I get there at 6 or so and I have to settle for my second choice!!!!!

    Billy C
  10. Sunrise60

    Sunrise60 New Member

    BJ tourney July 5-7

    I will also be participating in this tourney. Arrive in LV on the 5th before noon. I would like to meet some of you posters and BJ players.
  11. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    LV Hilton

    LeftNut and I discussed their may be several new bjt.com members attending the Hilton July BJ tournament. We decided to invite all new and old members wishing to renew or make new friends to a casual non hosted get together Wednesday July 6 at 4:30pm in the LVH Plaza cocktail lounge located at the Steak House entrance.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011
  12. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Nice idea buddy! I'll be there at 2PM!!!!!

    Billy C
  13. mica

    mica New Member

    NITIN meeting at 5:30

    Getting together is a great idea!i am looking forward to meeting BJT members at the Hilton at 4:30 on the 6th. I won't be able to stay long though..... I am with Rebuy Bobs (NITIN) group and there is a meeting/reception hosted by the Hilton for us at 5:30 on the 6th. I plan to be at both.....and can always return to BJTs gathering after a minimum mandatory appearance at the NITIN event.

    C u soon!

  14. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    A lot of us are also in the NITIN group. See you there.
  15. marichal

    marichal Member

    lv hilton

    congrats to one of our bjt members, uncle abe for his 4th place finish at the hilton today. he was w/c into the semis, and advanced to the final round. unfortunately pushing the last hand cost him 1st place. still a great job.

    great seeing all our friends from the seattle area. around 150 of them made the trip to vegas.
  16. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Congratulations, indeed, to UncleAbe for a highly successful week! He started by hitting a video poker royal flush 10 minutes after arrival and finished by capitalizing on a lucky wildcard draw into the semifinal round. Great job!!!!!! :D
  17. marichal

    marichal Member



    forgot to say in was great seeing you, deb and the gang that made the trip from the midwest.
    just got home after a 7 1/2 hour drive.
  18. mica

    mica New Member

    New friends

    I didn't make it past the first round and the free trip was actually quite expensive! However....meeting new friends from this forum more than made up for my losses:)

    Thanks for the warm welcome from Angelrun5, Left Nut, Billyc, Lielahay, Rookie and others whose screen name I can't remember.

    U guys and gals r even nicer in person than u r online!

    Thanks for answering so many of my questions in Vegas and prior. Special thx to those that taught me the joy of penny video poker....might come in real handy when I can't afford to stay at the BJ tables but want to get 5 hours of playing time in:cool:

    Looking forward to seeing everyone again in October! Hope we can find more time to get together and exchange info and stories.

    Hope everyone had a safe trip home .


    Hope to see everyone again in October
  19. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Mulligan Question

    I have a question about the mulligan. The following is clear:

    • One can replace either of the first two cards dealt.
    • One can replace the card dealt when doubling down.
    • One can replace the card dealt on a signalled hit.

    How about the following scenario? You split a pair and the dealer automatically deals a card to the first hand (to make it two cards). Can one replace the automatically dealt card? For example, you split 8s and are automatically dealt a 6 on the first hand. Can you use the mulligan to replace the 6?
  20. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


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