Hit or Double ????

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by slim100_us, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    Just got back from St. Ignace $35,000.00 Tournament.
    I have a question on my first round.

    Betting is $50.00 to $500.00, Blackjack pays 2-1, Surrender is only offered if dealer shows an Ace. Two people at the table advance.

    This is the last hand.

    BR1 has $2600.00 and is on the button
    BR2 has $1,500.00 this is me and I bet next.
    BR3 has $1,100.00 and he bets last.

    Every one else is out.

    BR1 Bets $50.00
    BR2 Bets $500.00 This is my bet
    BR3 Bets $500.00

    I now have the high and the low against BR3.

    BR1 delt (10,10)
    BR2 delt (10,4) me.
    BR3 delt (9,2)

    Dealer shows a 10.

    BR1 Stays
    BR2 hits for a A, then hits again and gets a 10 for a bust :(
    BR3 Doubles and gets a 10.
    Dealer has total of 15 and draws a 10 for a bust.
    BR1, and BR3 advance, and I need to rebuy.

    My question is should have I just doubled my (10,4) seeing that BR3 had a(9,2), or did I do the right thing by trying to hit to 17?

    Congradulation's to Dan Mayo's friend on taking the $15,000.00 top spot.
    He bet $50.00 for 42 hands and took first. WOW :)
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2004
  2. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    My 2 cents.

    Doubling for less with $150 let's you keep the low if you break the hand and gives you the high at $2150 if you and BR3 both win.
    BR3 obviously had the edge with a better hand and betting position.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Woulda, coulda, shoulda!

    On the last hand it is hard to hit a bust hand when your in the lead to advance. The DD for $150 that BJFAN4 suggested is the best play if your going to hit for all the reasons he pointed out.

    In your situation you had a free DD for less ($150) it protected your low by leaving you with $1,350 if both you and BR3 lost, but it also gives you second high with $2,150 should you both win.

    In this case DD would have made the differance and made you and BR1 the two advancing. After the fact it is easy to make the call.

    This game is funny though, next time that comes up you may DD and it cost you the chance to advance. All we can do is try to play the highest precentage plays so we can advance, but if luck is not with you it doesn't matter and if luck is with you you'll get drawn in as a wild card if your meant to win...lol
  4. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member

    the right bet

    I think for BR2 the right bet would be over $350 but under $400.
    The Reason is to keep Hi in case of push-lose situation and to be protected by win in case of BR3 = BJ. Also by winning double we are protected from BR3's $1000 win (double).
    $500 bet gives BR3 the opportunity to bet $50 and keep the Low.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    The question

    I understand where your coming from as far as BR2's bet, but his question was should he have DD or not.
  6. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member

    As you guys already mentioned,after betting $500,There is no doubt it is double for less.
  7. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    Now I realize I should have held one chip more than BR3 had in front of him, and bet $390.00. This would have given me the high and the low to start with. Minimum bet was $50.00, and then it just had to be in $10.00 incruments.

    I am still learning this humbling game, a little more each play!

    Slim :)
  8. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Lady Luck

    Don't be too hard on yourself. The bottom line is that BR3 had the better cards and played after you. These things get to even out over time. I would be willing to bet that somewhere down the tournament road, you will be the last to play with better cards than BR3.
  9. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Real time pressure is a reality that I am learning about too.
  10. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    He was a Good Student

    Of course the 4 or 5 blackjacks (at 2:1) he got during that round did help him get a lead on the pack.

    My friend did learn his lessons well though, he also maximized his risk taking when needed during the 3 rounds leading to the final table.

    See you next time Slim. It will be our turn to get to the final table.


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