Hit or Split?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by slim100_us, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    I just ran into this situation and I am wondering what some of you would do?

    Seven hands to go, betting limits are $50.00 to $500.00 and only one person from the table advances.

    Br1 is exactly $300.00 in front of me and the button just passed me. My bankroll at this time is $850.00 and of course Br1 has $1,150.00 and she bets $100.00. I figure this is my best place to go for the lead, so I bet $410.00.

    The cards come out and I am looking at a pair of two's against a dealer 7.

    (Split or Hit?) That is my question? Basic strategy say's split, However I am going to be the last to bet on the last hand. If I split and fail, I am out with only $30.00 left. If I split and win both, I have a good lead over everyone for the final seven hands.

    I split, and lost both hands, and was done :(


  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I don't like the risk

    Without looking at any numbers, my gut reaction is to not split. 2v7 isn't a very strong hand, but also of importance is the idea that 4v7 isn't that much worse. That is, the defensive value of splitting is not a big factor in the decision. With last bet and plenty of time to recover from a $410 loss on this hand, I'd just hit the hand.

    It would be nice to have a chart that shows the average outcome of splits vs playing the hand out to answer these sorts of questions more easily.
  3. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Split 2's

    Slim...good question....because of the # of hands left to play...
    you need to take into consideration a few more things to make up your mind....are you BR2 ??....are you last in chips ??.....with everyone else close to the chip leader ?? ....if you are way behind everyone....they may all bet small the last 6 hands and let you catch up....but if you are BR2 and everyone else is way behind they will be betting to take the lead the last 6 hands...and make it hard for you to make a big move
  4. tgun

    tgun Member

    H or P

    I like Ken's view on the value of the risk factor. I also would like to see answers to swog's questions.

    I would like to know what Br1's cards were and if surrender was available.


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