Hollywood Dave challenges Kid Rock

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You may have seen the recent news about Kid Rock's posse beating down a hotel room door at the Hard Rock Casino on New Year's Eve, looking for Tommy Lee. What you probably don't know is that the suite was occupied by none other than Hollywood Dave Stann.

    Here's a press release about a $10K elimination blackjack challenge issued by Hollywood:
  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Not a bad PR move, I must say.

    Just don't lose.
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Oh MAN - that's all too funny! I hope KR takes the challenge from HD, it would be great publicity for UBT and EBJ, eh?

    How is it this Detroit area of mine comes up with so many space-cadet musicians? Kid Rock, Eminem, Madonna..... Ted Nugent.... Iggy Pop......
  5. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member


    Now thats funny... Great job Fgk. HD will do anything to get some di__... oh im sorry, I mean print.:laugh:
  6. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    great job fgk42

    very funny - and a true story too!!!!!!:D

    Ploppywood Dave isn't known as 'the fat girl of blackjack' for nothing:D
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    Left Nut--Music phonies

    Put em all together and what've got....not half a roadie for CCR & John Fogerty...or for that matter the Motown talent.
  8. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I See.... A Bad Moon A Rising.......
  9. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    'Ploppy' ?

    i can stand for just about any smack talk people wanna throw, but the second someone calls me a ploppie i just gotta call bullshit... the offer still stands, whether it be you, Kid Rock, the Ass-assin, or anyone else: put your money where your mouth is. I'm willing ready and able to play for any stakes at any time with any one foolish enough to take the challenge. Bring it!


    ps that said, hilarious video, fgk. i almost crapped my pants. surprised you didn't have me telling Kid's bodyguards to buy my book!!! (official release date, by the way, is MAY DAY 2007. the revolution begins!)
  10. noman

    noman Top Member

    Any stakes: Any time:

    Okay, Cerritos, I accept. I've got an 1817 Morgan Silver Dollar in quarter mint condition I'll put up, winner take all heads up. Name the date and time, just give me enough leeway to hitch hike out to the location.
  11. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Is It "Hollyweed, Hollyweird or Homowood"??

    You've got to stop hanging around those little boys Davey and try to make something of the miserable life you now have...

    The time will come when I will personally take you up on your little Blackjack Challenge, and finally send you back to West Hollywood, whimpering all the way to the Poor House.

    Finally, I've been to Hollywood; I know Hollywood; and you're definitely NO HOLLYWOOD!!

    Regarding the book that you've written (LMAO), you've got to have something to say before you can even think about having people spend even a penny of their money, and more importantly, even a pennies worth of their time indulging in Illiteracy 101...

    It's really beyond me telling you to "Get a Life", because you don't have a clue, and as far as I'm concerned, you never will...

    Even your "SAD ACT" is old and worn out! Stop already!!

    The REAL BAD BOY OF BLACKJACK here, signing off and wishing you a lousy trip back to DREAMLAND with your friends in "WEST HOLLYWOOD".:vomit: :vomit: :vomit:
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Do we really have to go back to the name-calling of months past?
    I guess I'll leave these posts up, but, jeeze, do we really have to keep this up until we have run off EVERY SINGLE USEFUL poster here?
  13. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    My Apologies Kenny...


    I appreciate all that you have done, are doing, and continue to do with the Service you provide through this Site.

    I was silent for too long regarding the antics of Hollyweird, and had to get it out. No ulcers for me my friend.

    I will now be silent for the next few months regarding anything regarding my friend (LOL) from Hollywood, and will only speak when I have something constructive to say that will benefit all...

    Make it a "Great Day", and again my thanks for all that you do.

  14. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Boo Hiss......

    Thank you, Ken

    There may be some posters who feel the need to "hurt with words" who should do their talking to a good therapist....that might alleviate some of their anger issues.....

    As usual, we appreciate you....le
  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    School of Hard Knocks with Kid Rock

    LAS VEGAS (January 10, 2007) – What was widely reported as a case of mistaken identity has apparently taken a twist to the weird and bizarre. As was widely reported by Access Hollywood and other news outlets earlier this week, Dave Stann, a ploppy semi-professional poker and blackjack player, was staying at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve with his “friend”. While the two were playing in an online elimination blackjack free roll around 6 a.m., they heard someone "punch the door very loud."

    Stann originally told Access Hollywood, when he looked through his room's peephole, he saw "two linebacker dudes." According to Stann, it was two of Kid Rock's bodyguards looking for rocker Tommy Lee. However here at BJT.COM INSIDER we learned of a deeper darker side to the story.

    "What's up?" Stann asked the men through the door.

    "Is Tommy in there?" one of the men asked.

    "There's no Tommy in here," Stann replied.

    However after talking to Kid Rock’s bodyguards it wasn’t Stann’s voice they heard! The beefy bodyguards claimed to have heard a muffled cry for help coming from the room. According to Bruno, “It sounded like some guy was tied up and gagged screaming for help! We just couldn’t go away so we decided to see what was going on.

    The bodyguards claim that they began punching and kicking the hotel room door. According to the bodyguards, Kid Rock heard that Pamela Anderson was getting private blackjack lessons with her other ex, Tommy Lee and Stann.

    The bodyguards told BJT.COM INSIDER that Kid had heard that Stann was obsessed with Lee and had invited him over to teach him how to “play cards”

    While the other media outlets reported that Stann and his girlfriend called hotel security. In fact it was Kid Rock’s bodyguards who called security.

    “We looked through the peephole and saw a guy, naked and all tied up with ropes. When we heard animal noises we were curious so we hit the door harder to get them to open up. Finally we saw this little guy, with a red patch of hair, all dressed in leather, jumping up and down on the bed. We got scared. We ran off and called security.”

    When security arrived several minutes later, they told Stann that the two men were the singer's guards. Hotel security required Stann to have the animals removed from the room immediately before he was asked to leave. According to Kid Rock’s bodyguards, Stann was overhead to ask to see Kid Rock so that “we can have a threesome.”

    According to reports, a rep for the Hard Rock said Kid Rock was "looking to settle a dispute over ex-wife Pamela Anderson." But when Kid Rock realized he was at the wrong door, "the gentleman that he is, signed an autograph for the apparent fan" and left.

    However, Stann told Access Hollywood he never received an apology or an autograph. The burly bodyguards told us all Stann kept asking Kid for was a phone number and the key to Kid Rocks suite.

    “All that Stann guy kept asking for was Rock’s phone number. So Kid Rock was nice enough to give him an autograph instead. When Stann didn’t get what he wanted he started jumping up and down and threw a hissy fit saying, ‘You’re just a mean ploppy Kid Rock. I’ve seen your table play and you wouldn’t know when to hit a soft 18 versus a ten you dork. Hey let me get back to the free roll before I get timed out!”

    They bodyguards claim that Kid Rock was baffled and confused at the ranting of this Stann guy and just blew him off.

    “I was scared of that little crazy dude, you know what I mean?” Kid Rock told BJT.COM INSIDER, “ He (Stann) was all wide-eyed and looking me over! He was so adamant about playing on his laptop that I just walked away from the dude. Man did you see his funky hair?”

    And what were all these stars doing in Sin City?

    Tommy Lee, performed at the Hard Rock on New Year's Eve, while Anderson was hosting the New Year's Eve party at Venetian hot spot Tao and Kid Rock hosted and served as deejay at Jet at the Mirage on Sunday night.

    We heard that Stann was in town for the .99 cent shrimp cocktail at Fitzgerald’s.

    All persons in the above story are fictional and this is for entertainment purposes only. :joker:

    Attached Files:

  16. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip:

  17. noman

    noman Top Member

    K-41 and a half:

    Credibility was shot with the Fitzgerald's Shrimp Cocktail. Everyone, including Cerritos knows the best .99 shrimp cocktail is at Golden Gate. Some things ARE just FOREVER!
  18. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    One night Stann'd

    What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas!:D

  19. LVHCM

    LVHCM Banned User

    I managed to obtain this exclusive photo of the incident:

  20. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Mr. Stann

    Dude - don't you realize that no one takes your silly 'challenges' seriously? - after all - we've all seen you play on tv - and know the true quality of your play:joker:

    our natural kindness prevents us from being cruel to puppies, boys from Burbank, and other dumb animals

    actually - we have already had our 'challenge' match - last night in the $25,000 satellite - (I'm REK1744 on UB/Bet21) - I would have said hi - but you ploppied out before the first elimination hand:laugh:

    see you in the $25,000 tourney, maybe - if you can come up with the $200+$15 entry:D

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