'Hollywood Dave Media Whore' month

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hollywood, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Go read it, now.

    Dude! Awesome interview! Seriously.
  3. goutman4ever

    goutman4ever New Member

    Enjoyed the article, Dave. One of the interesting things (to me) that you mention is the bannings. That's one of the hardest things about being a really good blackjack player- when the casinos have the right to restrict your play just for using your mind. I've been fortunate so far to not have to deal with outright bannings, but I sure can relate to severe shuffle ups & card pulls (AC). I think my pleasantness at the table & willingness to toke the dealers well have helped me to blend in very well with normal players, although it's been getting tougher and tougher not to stand out with the nice wins I've enjoyed in Vegas. Like I've said at my own web community, what's the sense in being good at something like counting cards if you're constantly unable to apply your skills. Btw, I graduated with my BA/English and love the works of Albert Camus if you're interested in someone "new".

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