Hollywood goes to London

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Reachy, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Hope you don’t mind Ken but I’ve just been reading HD's London blog on his website and I felt I needed to comment on it. Since the only forum on his site for a response is filled with “smack” questioning his sexuality I thought I’d post here.

    How bad is the public transport system where Hollywood comes from that makes London’s seem good in comparison? I shudder to think.

    The Tate Modern is a great place to visit. I love the building too, the old Battersea Power Station. For those of you who are familiar with the works of Pink Floyd (noman’s got to be a dead cert) it’s the same building from the cover of the “Animals” album (see below).

    Curry is Britain’s national dish and it's so much more than just a spice. In fact curry powder is a generic term for a blend of spices and no truely authentic indian food is made with a pre-mixed blend . I’ve just finished reading a book called “Curry: The biography” and there are many factors that have led to Britain’s fascination with curry, not least our colonial past. And next time you go in a Curry House make sure you order a phal. Only real men can handle a phal!

    Anyway, what are you doing in London? Can’t be blackjack surely. Some recommendations for you, get over to the East End. If you want to go to the curry mecca of London you have to go to Brick Lane and the Lahore Kebab House in particular (http://www.london-eating.co.uk/3011.htm). It is the finest curry house EVER but it has no license so you have to bring your own booze. It’s not glamorous but the food is out of this world. You will also be in/near the trendiest part of London for the fasionista's and arty types, Shoreditch and Hoxton, where there are some fantastic pubs, clubs and restaurants. When I was a younger and much less responsible person I spent many an un-remembered night there or there abouts. Watch out for women carrying Vodka bottles though, they can have a tendency to pour it down your throat and get you arrested… And if you want a tip for a club to visit I recommend Fabric in Clerkenwell (http://www.fabriclondon.com/). Again Clerkenwell is an area that has changed dramatically since I used to live there (I worked at St Bartholomew’s Hospital which has been existence at least twice as long as America has!) and vies with Hoxton and Shoreditch as the trendiest place in London.

    One final point. Whatever you do don’t go south of the river, but don’t tell London Colin I said that.



    PS. Tate Modern is technically south of the river but its spiritually north.

    Attached Files:

  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Most western cities in the US have awful public transportation because they rose after the advent of the automobile making them extremely spread out. Major eastern cities don't typically have as much of an issue.

    Yes, SoCal transit blows.
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Sir Reachy:

    We don't need no education!
  4. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Right architect, wrong power station. Tate Modern is in the old Bankside Power Station. Both were the work of Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, who was also responsible for the classic red telephone box.

    Anyone visiting Battersea Power Station will be sadly disappointed, not only by the lack of any modern art inside, but by the lack of anything at all. Several years ago it was bought, with the intention of converting it into some sort of leisure complex. Either the money ran out or the new owners lost interest. The work halted, with the interior demolished and just the outer shell remaining, seemingly held together with sticky tape. Don't stand too close; it may collapse on you. :(
  5. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Great reply

    I have to admit noman, crazy as you are (a compliment) sometimes you come up with some very funny, double-meaning comebacks!

    P.S. Having lived in Europe for numerous years, I can accurately report that the British fascination with curry comes of course from colonial activity, but also because British food is so awful that everyone would rather eat Indian food!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2006
  6. tgun

    tgun Member

    now I get it!

    My dad told me, "never go on a British cruise liner." He loved good food.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me saprejack.

  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Defending British Cusine

    You didn't think you'd get away with that did you?

    Britain does indeed have a bad reputation for it's food, it's teeth, it's binge drinking, and quite a lot of other things. It's mostly ill-founded. Our cuisine, at the top-end is considered amongst the best, if not the best, in the world. At the bottom-end it is amongst the worst and I can only conclude that that is where sabrejack did most of his eating. What we have then is a very wide spectrum of quality, much broader than the US for example :D. I was going to mention obesity and competitive eating but I decided against it since we couldn't possibly compete with the US in those fields :joker:.


  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Food for thought - maybe not

    Reachy, in another thread a while back you posted some pictures of the food and/or seasoning in you cupboard :eek: . I don't think I need to say more. Everyone who saw that post can draw their own conclusions. :laugh: :D

    PS: Gimme a hamburger any day!
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Full English Breakfast

    There is no better way to start the day. Just add a big mug of tea!



    Attached Files:

  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    That doesn't look too bad although I don't know what some of that "stuff" is. Are you a heath nut? Why do you have a this type of picture in your files ready to pop out at a moment's notice?
  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Google it!

    I just googled "Full English Breakfast" and up the picture popped. Cooked right, the FEB can be reasonably healthy, but it is usually just a fry up! The "stuff" you might not recognise is called "black pudding". It's a form of blood sausage made with pigs blood. Lovely!!!!!


  12. maxwell

    maxwell Member

  13. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I'm so glad you clarified "black pudding". When I first saw the phrase I conjured up something "completely different :D " in my mind.
  14. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    Message to tgun,

    I live in the town of Bury, which is only famous for two things.

    Black puddings (like a haggis but taste even more like shite) and Sir Robert Peel who is credited with the development of the modern police force.

    Gene Hackman’s character in the film Prime Cut said he likes to eat animal’s guts so I am giving you a clue to what these things consist of.

    I have put up a couple of links should you want to import some over for the St Louis Mafia Christmas party.

    Anyway. What’s wrong with our food?

    Andy :laugh:


  15. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Andy, take that back...

    Black puddings are just fine. Sliced and grilled, Mmmmmm! In fact tomorrow I shall go and buy one and have it for my tea. All on it's own.

    Did you know that your home town hosts the World Black Pudding Hurling competition?


  16. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Just for Reachy


    If you want some traditional Black puddings from Bury then pm your address and I will send some on to you (I’m already heaving and ready to puke just thinking about it).

    I’m not sure what the postal regulations are about sending offal and animal guts via the Royal Mail but if they can export these things to the USA then I am sure that Somerset should be no problem.

    Andy ;)
  17. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Like I said many times before, the things one learns on this site are priceless. Thanks Ken. :D :laugh: :D
  18. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Bad Boy

    Can I thank Hollywood Dave for being gracious enough to invite all the British members on here to have a pint with him while he was over in London.

    It was a nice gesture by Dave who had never met any of us personally and only knew us by our posting names.

    Sorry that I could not get down to London. Have a nice holiday and enjoy your theatre.


    PS Considering that it was £300 pound entry fee for the Milk and Honey Club (that’s before you get to the bar for a drink) I’m glad that I didn’t take him up on it :laugh:
  19. noman

    noman Top Member

    What Dave hath wrought:

    Sabre: ty. Now if I could only increase my BJ winning play from "sometimes" to at least imodium I'd be comfortable.

    And Reachy: Is that the Denny's 5lb special?
  20. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    It's too crappy that you're not at the imodium levels. Gives you that shitty feeling don't it? I just hope your streaks would stop running. Just thought I'd Alaska how the inner working were going - Juneau?

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