Hollywood interviewed in Casino Player

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Way to go, Hollywood Dave. The two page interview of you in this month's Casino Player magazine looks great!
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    I suppose i should go buy that issue & check it out. Man i was so drunk during the interview...
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    You play like you are drunk.Trust me i know i sat next to you.Im getting you a basic strategy card for the holidays
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Nice article

    It was a nice article on you Hollywood, with picture and all. Your Celeb. BJ gig seems to really be working out well for you.

    Did you try out for the new ESPN "Tilt" show coming out in January?

    With all your resent exposer (WSOB and Celeb. BJ) and the current gambling craze when will we be seeing you on the big screen?

    Hope you liked the pictures from Kenny's party. So did you love her for her mind, (Both of them)...LOL (inside joke about Daves beer commercial).

    Best of luck.
  5. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Holly d. Promoted to Host

    My copy arrived today and flipping thru the pages, Dave's picture jumps out at me. He's being interviewed as “Host of television’s Celebrity Blackjack.”

    So, Dave, are you now making more money than Matt V. with this “promotion” from mere dealer? :)

    Reading the interview I was quite surprised at the 78 percent number for correlation of outcomes. I wondered where you got it. After reading the above post I’m now wondering even more….

  6. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    "Tilt" a hoax!

    My manager here in LA lobbied really hard to get me in for this, considering i actually play a hell of a lot more poker than blackjack, and the only reason i didn't stay to compete in the WSOP this year was because we were shooting the 1st season of Celeb BJ the same week. But ESPN didn't want to see me because i didn't 'fit' into the casting ideas they had for the show -- ie, they weren't looking for interesting, real people to build the show around, but rather actors to play the roles of these 'gamblers' -- and my suspicions were confirmed a few weeks later when i talked to a hottie actress from an acting class who wanted tips on poker tourneys from me because despite never playing the game in her life, she was being courted for one of the show's main roles. So there it is -- ESPN's "Tilt" is nothing but a fake reality show. Such a shame, considering it would be so easy to find half a dozen *real* poker players who are seriously training for the 2005 WSOP & who also have camera-friendly TV-personalities...

    -holly d.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2004

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