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Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Reachy, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I'm trying to get my friends into Tournament Blackjack so I decided to have a mini-tournament at a party I had this weekend. It was brilliant fun!!!! I acted as the dealer, got all the gear from eBay (shoe, chips, felt) and played 2 rounds and a final with a bottle of Champagne to the overall winner. It was amazing how quickly people picked up the strategy and tactics although I can see how the use of real chips (I'm purely a Global Player player!) really adds an extra level of complexity to the game. Everybody really enjoyed it and we shall definitely be doing it again.


  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Your HOOKED!...LOL

    Yes, little home tournaments or even small groups getting together for BJ tournaments are a blast. That is what I do all the time, it really get's new players interested in tournament BJ. :cool:

    My cruise tournaments are simular, just with higher entries and payouts and a nice vacation cruise...LOL ;)
  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Tournament Chips

    Like Reachy I am a purely Global Casino tournament player but would like to practice chip counting at home.

    In previous post’s I have seen different chips described and would like to know if there is a USA standard i.e. size, shape, colour etc for Blackjack tournament play that I can order. Or do chips vary from casino to casino (apart from the company name printed on them).
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    They vary...

    Some tournaments use solid colors while others use spoted chips. The soild colors are the hardest to count as a player.
  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Chip Counting Practice

    If you buy chips for counting practice, get solid black ones, as well as others. I find neatly stacked solid black chips the most difficult to count. If you can become proficient at that, the others will be easier.
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Another secret....

    If you get the spotted chips practice stacking them up with the spots all lined up. Also try your best to level your chips as smooth as possible, leaving any edges exposed makes chips easier to count.

    I call that the "Stair-steps" and it is a big advantage for a season player over a newbie when it comes to counting other players chips.
  7. victorj

    victorj New Member


    i started my life as a poker player first and foremost and have only recently moved onto blackjack.

    because of this i already had a felt table and clay chipset at home and so have spent the last few weeks attempting to get my friends into the game.

    it's sooooo much easier to do this live than online :D

    i keep calling all-in tho :joker:
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Have you found a real world tourney Andy?

    Hi Andy

    Just wondered, what with the chip counting practice and all, have you managed to find a BJ tournament nearby? Or are you planning a pilgrimage to LV?:D


  9. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Chips For Counting

    Try The Gamblers General Store for chips. They do sell solid chips, but they're cheaply made and don't line up well. So instead, I bought a set of 100 Bicycle chips for $41 in white with tan stripes. I whited out the stripes, so now they're a solid color and line up seemlessly. Perfect for practice. They have a site online you can order from.
  10. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Real World Tourney

    Hello Reachy

    Yes I have finally found a good live BJ tournament in the UK. It’s being held at your house :laugh:

    Seriously. I do hope to get to Las Vegas eventually and try out a mini tournament or even nip over to Austria where some are held.
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    Chips for counting:

    Bravo elyssez:

    Ingenuity for simulation. and you just can't beat all that as close to real practice.

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