Honest Mistake, but WOW!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I came out to Vegas yesterday (Thursday March 23rd) and really had a nice day at the tables. Before going up to my room for the night I decided to buy in for $60 at the Roulette.

    I asked the dealer for $5 chips ( I like to play 14,17, & 20 straight up). I lost my first roll for -$15, but hit my second roll for $175 ($5 X 35 straight up payout for single number win). I continued to play and lost two more rolls before hitting again for $175.

    Still playing I hit one more time before quiting $460 up (after tip) from a $60 buy-in. Nice win, but it get's better.

    After waiting for a while to get cashed out I asked what was taking so long? Seems the dealer made a slight mistake when I bought in, instead of giving me $5 chips, she gave me colored Roulette chips and this is where it got interesting....LOL.

    Seems she didn't pull out the right marker showing my chips were for $5 each, she pulled out a $1,000 marker (per Chip)....LOL.

    The dealer was trying to pay me out $92,000....LOL, just a small mistake!

    Once the floor person came over, they corrected the mistake.

    Since I didn't know until afterwards, it wasn't that big of a deal for me, but that poor releif dealer had to be sick thinking the chips I tipped out were $1,000 each only to fined out the original dealer used the wrong marker...LOL.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2006
  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    Would you have taken the $92,000?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not that much!

    Getting over paid, paid on a push, and even pushing on a lose is one thing for up to a couple of hundred bucks, but $92,000 would never have happened.

    I would love to have the money, but for the few minutes I might have had it wouldn't be worth the trouble it would have caused.
  4. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    9 seats for WSOP

    hey, you had nine seats at WSOP at one moment in time
  5. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    Txtourplayer always comes over as a nice and honest guy and I believe he would never have took the money because he would be more concerned about the dealer losing her job. However, I can picture the scene of Joep calling him up screaming “What the hell were you doing I could have had lawyer Bob Neresian there in two minutes and we could have split 50/50).
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    The Fair Cop

    Now Andy you know that my TV show in Great Britain is called " The Fair Cop " so do you really think that is what I would have said to Tex. Now keep in mind I do have Bob Nersesian and the Gaming Board on speed dial on my phone so anything is possible but a 92,000 overpayment is not something that is going to go unnoticed very long especially at Roulette.

    There would have been a ton of Indians looking for this cowboy and his big cowbay hat if he left the Hilton with 92,000 trinkets. :laugh:
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    Roulette misgivings:

    Hey: I'm sure ya'll know better than I, but, if the chips were marked wrong, yet paid out for their value, wouldn't it have taken until the night audit to discover it? and by then, wait, who's to say BIG TEX Didn't buy in for 60K. The camera?

    Let me think? Barred from the Hilton forever for a $92,000 mistake. Oh darn. I guess I'd want to go back there, so I'd give them the money back.

    To belabor(sorry). There's always the talk and examples of how "one" can take advantage of the nasty casinos and they view every effort as dishonest, so if the casino screws up, too bad, that's advantage play.

    sorry for the dealer that lost the job and hopefully Luca and tiny aren't after you, but what the hey.

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